[MENTION=15642]Beachworm[/MENTION] - There will be a number of reasons why there's no info on forums about the SH - firstly, not enough hipster owning SHs use forums, that'd be like using dial up (if they knew what this was!). Secondly, they're a relatively new model and I bet there aren't many owners that are willing to mess around with them - and many people aren't backyard mechanics as such these days.
There's also loads of misinformation that kicks around facebook reguarly - then the skirmishes fire up. That can happen on forums, but it's usually sorted out without the same amount of egotistical heat - and if there is it's actually moderated if the mods are active on the forum (most are).
I hope forums continue on for a long time - and out live the facebook phenomenon. I love the ability to use the forum's search function to find historical information, and if that doesn't work, a google search that's site specific usually finds what I'm looking for. One thing that facebook doesn't do is allow historical info searches. It was near impossible to find information from the previous week or longer on the group pages I used to be on. I doubt they'll ever do this either, they're based on traffic, new sharing all the time, it's kind of like the need to always grow the stock market, even though we all know that's not sustainable!
Facebook also fosters an unhealthy need for instant gratification. Be careful with this one, it'll sneak up on you without you knowing. Narcissists love facebook for this reason - and ignore all that don't give what they want.
One thing I really love about forums is how you can tell your story and integrate photos at the points in the story that you want to show them. I love reading other's stories as well, we all have our own style of writing and sharing on the forum!
Many of my build threads on a number of forums are basically a blog now, I'm the only one that really posts in them these days. They're a handy reference at times - and with pics!
Over my time on forums I've had many awesome trips and loads of support from fellow members - in vic and across the continent! The recent facebook organised trip just didn't have the same feel about it. There wasn't the same cohesion and the younger participants cowboy'd around - they should've left that for their own trip without others around. We were all lucky not to cop a fine for their antics at one point.
So I'll continue to avoid facebook (personal and professional reasons) and continue to drop in regularly on the forums
I also don't see why admin needs to drive/create interest or traffic, that's not exactly organic.
Fact of the matter is that facebook is good at worming itself into your life more than you know about. Forums don't have direct apps to access them and some forums are really clunky on a mobile device. Personally I prefer the computer version of many forums when using my mobile. Other's can't deal with that inconvenience of having to use the internet browser to access a forum. Newer generations probably don't even know about forums!
Many seem to believe that it's not official/it didn't happen/you're not worth knowing about unless it's on facebook!
Anyway, I think I'm done with this. A pic to finish off with - because you won't find these of mine on facebook
PS: going by this thread it doesn't seem that asleep.