What have you done to your car today?

Put the 6 speed in today. I was expecting a nightmare. Instead, it was the easiest geabox installation I have ever done. I had to keep checking because gearboxes never go in this easily. Clucth is hooked up and working, starter motor bolted in, and front driveshafts installed. Some issues with tailshaft, but generally so far so good.



  • Drilled & trimmed rear bumper to insert mounts for rear wheel & Jerry can racks;
  • Removed rear bumper to weld on 'through' section of mounts;
  • Welded mounts to tow bar frame & painted;
  • Reattached bumper;
  • welded on vertical sections and 'east - west' sections of mounts.
  • Mounts painted.
Will post pics tonight.

All welds are full penetration MIG. (Thanks to my mate Steve, who brings equipment, ability and knowledge of metal working to my 'ideas'. :biggrin: )

Next will be:

  • Wheel stub axles mounted to end of east - west sections;
  • Mounts fabricated and fitted to stub axles;
  • Locking section fabricated and welded to top of hitch mount.
Simple battery change;

Gather tools needed to change battery, 10 & 12mm spanners.
Drive to auto parts store and purchase battery.
Remove old battery in the parking lot so you can return it without coming back.
Install new battery and tighten battery strap and connections.
Start car...car won't start and stupid security system is blinking and beeping.
Realize that you need key fob remote which you don't carry because it doesn't work to un-lock the doors and the plastic part that holds it to the key ring is broken.
Search car for key fob.
Remember that key fob is probably in nightstand drawer at home about 15mi. away.
Call wife who is at home to search through night stand drawer to find key fob.
Wife who has a cold, doesn't feel well and now has to bring you a key fob gets a bit p***ed off.
Wife get there about an hour later with key fob, you start pushing buttons madly to try and get security system to reset itself.
Take key fob apart to make sure everything is OK and get a better push on the buttons, still no luck.
Call AAA for a tow so you can get car home to try and figure it out.
Even more p***ed off the wife calls a friend nearby to go wait at her house while I wait for the tow truck.
While the wife is on the phone with her friend give one last try with the remote.
Car starts!!!
Cancel tow truck.
Drive home happy.:)

A little 'car'ma in action, the friend my wife was talking to, I've helped her out with her car twice, once pulling it out from being stuck in the snow, and the other replacing a bunch of blown fuses (VW, go figure:rolleyessarcastic:). YotaRu is now starting every time and the key fob now lives IN the center arm rest.
Carl can you un plug the security system Module. On my 2000 the factory security system was interfering with my after market one. i got to looking in to it and found it was mounted next to the radio and removed it. problems went away.

Carl can you un plug the security system Module.

That was one of the first things I tried. Can't get the :censored: plug out!!! It's a Toyota system, but it was installed later down the road, so the owners manual was no help. All is well now, she's starting every time, just gotta' keep the key fob in the car.:redface: I feel no need for a security system, so I'll get it totally disabled at some point in time.
Bought an Airtec Snorkel, that fits a 100 Series LandCruiser. (it's always funny, listening to the reaction from people on the phone, when you say it's going on a Forester.


I installed braided brake hoses today- and a 24mm adjustable rear sway bar. I think that will have a detrimenatl affect on the next offroad adventure I take it on.


Installed the tailshaft

wired up the dccd and some other smaller bits that could then be done. Getting close.
I have to tell you whenever I do major work on the car I drive around like the proverbial old woman. It had been a mates place for the best part of a month, and I did not wish to out stay my welcome. The thing definitely needs a wheel alignment as it was wandering a bit. Steering wheel was off centre and that concerns be a bit as I did not think what I did would affect that. I was expecting exhaust rattles as 2 of the brackets that mounted the exhaust at the gearbox were not attached as they don't work with the new box. And the rear crossmember has a lip which I also thought would cause a rattle.

I expected some smoke from the exhaust as I had inadvertantly dropped brake fluid on to it, and sure enough there was smoke from that. I was also concerned about the brakes. While it was soon apparent they had been bled correvtly, the new braidedlines were a worry which I still need t check. And the handbrake was not really working.

My main concern was over the DCCD at first, as it the centre position it binded up the car clunks from the gearbox were most disconcerting. I adjusted it to minimum and that was sorted- for now. But, I did give it a tentative bootful around one roundabout and the thing juts put its power down and I was very impressed- no slippage at all, so the front diff seems to work well.

So lets see how it goes when I've finished it properly.
Had my 3" TBE installed...

What a difference! Any GT or XT drivers running stock dump to centre are strangling their engine. It is so good that it makes wonder why Subaru don't allow more breathing from the factory. Torque curve is smoother, boost starts lower in the rev range and power output feels at least 10% more. Fuel economy has improved by what seems like 10% too - but that's a big call so let me do some observation before I confirm that. :biggrin:

I had it plumbed into the factory muffer and it sounds stock (apart from the turbo whistle whenever I so much as breathe on the throttle)...I am about to take delivery of an STi muffler which I'll try out soon. It should yield another small power increase without adding noise. For now, it's a nice sleeper.
Put a VF29 and a new tune on it and you won't know yourself.
Oil change on the Nubaru yesterday, driving her down to sunny Florida today.:cool:
You made the right choice there. I'm up in your neck of the woods spending xmas with the in-laws:neutral: Glad we took the foz over the camry, getting some really nasty wet snow in Weaverville. Made the ride to church interesting this am.
Taking the Forrie over a Camry- that would be the easiest decision you made this year!
You made the right choice there. I'm up in your neck of the woods spending xmas with the in-laws:neutral: Glad we took the foz over the camry, getting some really nasty wet snow in Weaverville. Made the ride to church interesting this am.

I'm kinda' bummin', this should be the best snow so far this year.:sad: It's also supposed to be cold, for FL anyway, down here this week. Well, enjoy the snow for me.:ebiggrin:
Just put a pair of Hella's on her today!

Whereabouts in Florida are ya stayin Carljwnc? My brother-in-law just had to drive back the 1300miles to Ft Myers area. Sure was nice getting away during thanksgiving to out there. Make sure you do the "sting ray shuffle"! saw a lady get stung by one who was just tromping around on ft myers beach.