a budget offroad gearbox build and BIG tyres.

Hi Bennie,

I've always been impressed with your knowledge of gearboxes on various forums. Just out of interest, if I could ask, what would be your recipe to build the ultimate dual range transmission for an XT ?

Thanks, LV
Yeah bennie i think that you are right. Yesterday evening a new attempt to make it work. But i noticed that there where 2 teeth missing of the input axle. ( price as in dutch). That's the part
where the ring of the Low gearing moves the sprocket when you engage low gearing

he told me he would orde a new part but that would take an other month or longer it would be september then..

Normaly i'm always calm and it's hard to get me angry. But yesterday i lost it and got really angry and all the frustrations came out. It ended that i got my money back, an amount for the time that i lost with driving back and fort, and the 2 times that i mounted the tranny in my foz and took it back out again.

I took the phase 2 tranny (8 bold) with me which came originally out my foz. The reverse gear was repaired and a 4.444 end fitted. But with stock low gear. Oh and he also managed to blew this one. One of the 3 pins who are mounted in the sprockets you can see on the last pic of bennie fell out. So the h/l is stuck... ( heee have i heard this before?)

i gonna try to fix this my self and sadley forget the 1.59. If i get this working then i have a stock tranny with a 4.444 final which makes it possible to run bigger tires without loss of rpm's.
That really sucks Casper, you've had horrible luck. Is there someone else in Holland who knows their way around a Subaru dual range gearbox?
800 km south, there is me and my mechanic friend...
I gave it a try today and I opened the tranny. To solve the problem with the high/low who is stuck.

At first sight, nothing wrong. But then i noticed that the 4.444 slightly touches the h/l making it impossible to switch to lowgearing.

(Btw you guys don't have a clue how hard it is to explain this in English...)

solution was to turn the big nut on the left side in the gearbox housing 180 degrees counter clockwise and on the other side 180 degrees clockwise , lowering the diff that way.
now there is a little more backlash between the big 4.444 sprocket and the small one.( Sorry don't know how they are called)

How much is backlash is acceptable ? What happens if there is too much?
keeping in mind that my engine is a 2.0 n/a
Gidday Casper

You're doing bloody well, mate!

The big diff gear is a crown gear. The small one is the pinion.

Sorry but I cannot help you with the clearances (lash/backlash) figures, but someone here will be able to.
Was it machined to fit the LR? the 4.44 crown wheel needs to have a little bit shaved off the edge to fit
Backlash is 0.13-0.18mm for front diff. You also have to make sure there is enough preload on the carrier bearings. A rough way of applying preload is to tighten carrier until it the bearings start touching (slight resistance is felt when tightening) and then tighten an additional 1-1.5 notches. The following link is a download for a service manual instruction for doing this but it is in english (sorry). It is also easiest to set up the front diff correctly without the input shaft in place. Once the diff is setup you take the case apart again without touching the diff carrier bearings.


If you are running 1.59 low range from an L series subaru then a large amount needs to be removed from the 4.44 crown gear to get it to fit. If you are only running 1.47 then I believe a small amount still needs to be removed however it is no where near as much as the with the 1.59:1

And here is everything setup in one case half

Here is my diff with material removed so it will fit.
@ Dedman, what make is your front helical differential ?
It is the stock front diff from a JDM V5/6 ra box. That is the box I got the 4.44 drive, the front helical diff, dccd and shorter 5th gear ratio from.
They way i did it now the crownwheel (thanx Ratbag!:lol:) doesn't thouch the low gearing any more.(1mm gap) Sadley no 1.59 any more.

But there is now probably too much backlash between the crown and pinion.

Can't I fix that with taken some shims out? There are 5 shims now on the lower axle
I found a compagny who is able to cut a small piece of the crown wheel.

I think that's the safest route. So i gonna open the box again tomorrow remove the crown.

I must say that I'am learning a lot right now. Never thought that I would be able to do this myself!
Well done, Casper.

I nearly curled up in a foetal ball when I pulled my first gearbox apart about 40 years ago! And that was very close to the simplest box imaginable - a three speed Landcruiser box with synchro on 2/3 only.

The 96 separate needle roller bearings in the transfer case were the worst part!
Ateday I never expected that I was doing this. Being a bid angry helps.:raz:

An other question, is the center diff from a japanese WRX STI from 1997 the same as from my fozzy from 1999 with a 8 bolt gearbox?
I only have to place the centerdiff back and the box is ready...

Hope that I did everything right . Want to mount my box upcoming Saturday. Fingers crossed!

And dedman for your pictures, where very helpful!!:yourock:

I gave the man who worked on the crownwheel your pics and it should looked like that.
And rhat he had to take 4mm off
Huh a 1997 with a dccd?
Wow that would a nice surprise! Thought that they came later. Can I determine that on the out side of the STI box?
It will have 2 wires coming out of the inspection plate above the centre differential. Ver 5(?) STI type RA in Japan had the 5MT DCCD, which is what I have.
Casper, make sure you test the gearbox before you put it in. Make sure you can easily select all the gears & hi/low range. Put an old clutch plate onto the input shaft & spin the gears to make sure everything spins nicely.
Indeed, I had to do the job twice as the hi-low synchro ring was touching the crown wheel by a very small amount.