Foz AWD systems / Sand capabilities / SF thru to SJ

I wouldn't Taz. It will break!!!
KiwiFoz, the 1.447 LR is a direct swap. The 1.59 needs a fair bit of work to make it fit. Has been done heaps but isn't easy...
On yesterdays beach trip there were some SJ Foresters. This was the first time I've seen them offroad. The sand was fairly soft, deep beach sand, I was running 13psi and wouldn't of wanted my tyres much harder. In the end, only one Subaru had a minor bog (Gen 3 outback). However there were alot of bogged larger 4wd's on the beach, mostly Patrols. So it definitely wasn't the softest sand I've driven in, but was still a reasonable challenge.

The SJ's seemed to keep up fine despite their lower profile tyres and lack of low range. They didn't have X-mode, all they did was turn traction control off. A lot of the time they would be in a higher gear than I could be in, with lower revs than I could hold with out bogging, which suggests that they may have been doing it easier. In 2 weeks time I'll be going down South with them and that'll be the real test in properly soft sand. But they seem pretty good so far.