carljwnc's Job BS Thread


Good luck for the next round Carl.
Hang in there mate.
Just remember that all good things come to those who wait & I'm sure there's something just round the corner that has your name on it. :)

Mr Turbo
Thanks folks!!!

We're hanging in there just fine.:) The guys at the bike shop where I fill in sometimes really want me to work there full time so I'm going to try and do that for a while, just have to get the owner to agree.:p cool little shop, and if you look at the pics that rotate on the main page, that is my wife's handiwork.:biggrin: She traded doing the pics for my son's new BMX bike.:bcool:
Will it looks like I have joined the ranks of the un-employed. Did my last shift on Wednesday and the likely hood of more work in the near future appears slim. So I am busy looking around and seeing what is available in SA
I'm sorry to hear that stephendean. I hope your luck turns around soon & something turns up.

Mr Turbo
Will it looks like I have joined the ranks of the un-employed. Did my last shift on Wednesday and the likely hood of more work in the near future appears slim. So I am busy looking around and seeing what is available in SA

:sad: Good luck to you!!! May I ask what you do for a living? I hope your job market down there is better than it is here.

I think I chose the wrong career path (machining/manufacturing), while things were still booming when I graduated from school, since then all the manufacturing jobs have pulled out of the states and moved overseas. There are still some jobs out there, but now we have so many people going after those jobs that it's hard to even get an interview.

Best wishes to you!!!:)
I am a theatre technician, lighting and audio for a few theatres. The work has dried up to the economic downturn.
I am a theatre technician, lighting and audio for a few theatres. The work has dried up to the economic downturn.

Well, if that is the case, I've got a good connection for you.:iconwink: Just have to move state side to beautiful...


My Brother-in-law is a lighting engineer/designer, I'll bet he could hook you up with a job.:ebiggrin:

Two jobs actually. I'll be working three days a week at the above mentioned Pro Bikes of Asheville. And, I'll be doing post-production work for Laurie Johnson Photography.:ebiggrin: That is my most incredibly awesome, lovely wife for those who don't know.:iconwink: Now maybe I'll learn how to post some decent pics.:rolleyessarcastic:

I still hope to get called back to my old job, but that could be months, so for now to get off of unemployment and do something that I love, and learn something new, I'm gonna' be a happy camper.
Thanks Everybody!!!

Financially it's not going to be the ideal situation, but it will good for our family lives and my mental health. Being unemployed for so long has taken it's toll on me and this should get me back into a place of well being. I love working on bikes, and my helping Laurie out will reduce her stress and make our lives better. Looking forward to it!!!:ebiggrin:

And, If y'all need any bike stuff, look me up.:cool: