LandCruisers Follow me: Dedman’s 99 Subaru Forester

I have been a bit slack and haven’t got around to starting member journal until now but better late than never :cool:

I had been riding an 83 Honda CX500 motorcycle for a few years since getting my licence but the lack of practicality was starting to get somewhat annoying and maybe a tad dangerous…


After the motorcycle started to **** itself using oil at the same rate at petrol (not even exaggerating) and a large portion of the exhaust coming out of the radiator I decided it was time to upgrade to a car. I was going to really miss destroying people’s egos when they tried to drag you off at the lights in their sports cars and ended up getting covered in clouds of blue oil fueled exhaust smoke but the appeal of a car was just too much.

Initially I wanted something that used the same amount of fuel as a motorcycle but was big enough to sleep inside, a Honda Jazz was one of the only suitable candidates for that.

And then I bought a forester…… I have never looked back.

Here is the new car bought November 2012;

When I went to Morocco in the sahara, I took 2 jerrycans (20 l each) and the nice place for them was on the floor of the rear seats (we were 2 in the car), the place is ideal because of the center of gravity.
I've got two of these They strap down really well to the roof rack (squat style) or sit in the back of the car and don't fall over. When i was in the high country Blinky was using a fair bit more fuel climbing than i expected, but we ran low on food before we did fuel so i didn't use the jerry haha. But two of those even behind the front seats is an extra 40lt of fuel and still keeping the centre of gravity low.
Yeah before I do a big trip im going to get some of those or something similar. Are they narrow enough to fit on the floor behind the front seats (remembering im a tad taller than you)?
Yeah I saw those as well. If the shorter ones were a nice fit i would get them though because they are less likely to move about when doing hardcore tracks.

Its looking like my first major trip is going to be tackling the rather full on track on the west coast of Tasmania hopefully sometime early next year. :ebiggrin: Cant wait :ebiggrin::ebiggrin::ebiggrin:
Should fit with the front seats almost fully back. i'll test it tomorrow, down to tassie? dont wanna join me in fraser haha
Maybe. I want to do Fraser sometime its just that Tasmania has heaps of similar stuff and also heaps more without the excessive numbers of people although at the cost of temperature.
The tracks on the west coast of tassie with signs saying Snorkel and winch required are just to tempting :ebiggrin::ebiggrin:
That and Tassie is just a stunning place
These modern flexible plastic jerry cans seem to be pretty amazing at not leaking fumes as long as they are full and there isnt room for air in the jerry to expand and push fumes out. The seals on them seem to be pretty great for the most part.
Also not a fan of carrying fuel on roofs as its so high up and there are all kinds of rules about carrying it on the back.
Fumes is a problem with Jerry cans. They Gas off for a while after being emptied, best strap empties to the roof. I've hear just as much it's illegal and dangerously to carry fuel inside as to outside the vehicle. There's parts of nt you can't carry petrol on the outside of the car or need a special blend but that's so it can't be sniffed. my thoughts are if you can smell fuel you need to move it

I've seen L series bend their radius rods, but never heard or seen the EJ control arm bent like this - that's insane!

Glad you're all good and the car is back together now.

I read your whole build thread the other day and I'm impressed at how quickly you set this vehicle up, I've been working on mine for about 7 years now!

Keep up the good work, I hope you meet you and your beast someday!


I've seen L series bend their radius rods, but never heard or seen the EJ control arm bent like this - that's insane!

Yep that was a beauty! :(

I read your whole build thread the other day and I'm impressed at how quickly you set this vehicle up

I was amazed how quickly he did his front bar/winch, amongst others. He's gone from zero to heaps of great mods in no time...very well done! :cool::lildevil:
I've seen L series bend their radius rods, but never heard or seen the EJ control arm bent like this - that's insane!

Yeah just crazy the force it took. When at the wrecker finding a new control arm I saw a forester that had the front drivers side completely mangles and the control arm on that forester was not nearly as bent as mine was.... Im just lucky it didnt rip the mounts from the body....

I read your whole build thread the other day and I'm impressed at how quickly you set this vehicle up, I've been working on mine for about 7 years now!

Yep the joys of being a uni student :raz: and having the experience to do it all myself on the cheap.

I hope you meet you and your beast someday!

Yeah I want to see the L monster in action someday soon.
Upgraded the snorkel pipe work yesterday and today I finished off my auxiliary battery holder today.
It was quite tricky finding enough flat areas to mount the battery holder on but I managed to get it in there nice and level and low enough not to hit the bonnet.

Added some foam to protect the bottom of the battery but I might change this to something else.

I also had to move the black thing next to the engine (no idea what it is/does) and bend the bonnet supporting rod a tad to clear the battery

Now I just need to get a good battery and do the wiring then I will be ready for a fridge.
looks very neat. i purchased one of those battery packs for my fridge because there was no room under the bonnet in my suzi, works well and have it charging through its own relay and wiring at the back of the car. so its sort of a portable dual battery set-up :lol:
Very nice, well done :biggrin:

That "black thing" lol, is the charcoal cannister :lol:

Have you decided on a battery isolator yet? Redarc seems to be very popular.
I have had a red arc in my cars for nearly two years. Works really well and is great not having to worry about starting the car in the morning. If you mount it next to the engine bay fuse box you can run the supply lead to the fuse box straight to the auxiliary side of the red arc so the only thing on the main battery is the starter motor.
Yeah I havent decided on an isolator yet. Most of the lower end ones seem to offer the same specs.

If you mount it next to the engine bay fuse box you can run the supply lead to the fuse box straight to the auxiliary side of the red arc so the only thing on the main battery is the starter motor.

I like your thinking there. There is one potential problem there, that is if you run the auxiliary battery right right down it might not have enough kick to run the solenoid for the starter motor which usually require 10ish amps to work. You would have to run it right down though which is probably not that likely. I guess all the rest of the car ignition needs to have power for it to work as well.

I guess if that ever happened you could just you could just manually override the solenoid and hope the dead battery doesn't suck to much juice.
Not even deadman! All you have to do if that happens is change the lead from the auxiliary battery side of the solenoid to the start side (both terminals are right next to each other on the solenoid). That way the aux battery is still isolated. Saying that I have run the fridge 3 days straight with my 100ah bat and still not had any issues starting.