LandCruisers Follow me: Dedman’s 99 Subaru Forester

I have been a bit slack and haven’t got around to starting member journal until now but better late than never :cool:

I had been riding an 83 Honda CX500 motorcycle for a few years since getting my licence but the lack of practicality was starting to get somewhat annoying and maybe a tad dangerous…


After the motorcycle started to **** itself using oil at the same rate at petrol (not even exaggerating) and a large portion of the exhaust coming out of the radiator I decided it was time to upgrade to a car. I was going to really miss destroying people’s egos when they tried to drag you off at the lights in their sports cars and ended up getting covered in clouds of blue oil fueled exhaust smoke but the appeal of a car was just too much.

Initially I wanted something that used the same amount of fuel as a motorcycle but was big enough to sleep inside, a Honda Jazz was one of the only suitable candidates for that.

And then I bought a forester…… I have never looked back.

Here is the new car bought November 2012;

Ouch, thats a damn big hole. Luckily, nothing else is damaged and you are still safe.
Great job getting yourself back out of the woods DMW. Sorry 'about the problem, considering the size of that hole you're lucky that it wasn't worse.
Thanks for the reminder about speed on unknown tracks, that could save me issues down the road.
I know if it were me I'd be going flat out down that track and it would of ended in disaster. Do you have air bags by any chance?

Fortunately I was going slower than I usually would have as I was looking for side tracks that were more off roady. Maybe if you were flying the car would have jumped it with less damage.
Nope no air bags, sure was glad to have a seat belt though.
Maybe i should of come out today! good to see nothing that cant be fixed, give us a call if you need any parts or tools
Very sorry to see the damage after all the work you've done :(

Jollys Dandenong has a new SF foz in, plus what was already there. I'm sure it wont be hard to find a control arm with a decent bush....
So update time.

Got a new control arm and bush for a grand total of $27 hardly breaking the bank. Also got a new sway bar link.

Unfortunately the front mounting point of the control arm seems to have been pushed backwards as well and no amount of even violent persuasion seems to be able to move it back again. Its not along way out probably about 5mm further back than the mounting holes. With some effort I can get it in and bolt it up again but not ideal. :shake: :(
Im guessing if i replaced the cross member it might fix it but that is a real mission and I cbf at the minute.

Edit: Well i think it would be a mission but not certain. Anyone done this?
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You could fit the control arm then use a chain and hand winch(winch of sorts or car like I would) to pull the crossmember back into place. As you said it doesn't need much.
Bash the s**t out of it with a hammer? ....and a block of wood

If that still doesn't work and you need a new crossmember put a bigger engine in while your at it. lol :lildevil:
Bash the s**t out of it with a hammer?

Yep tried that. Used a bloody big steel mallet and that didnt have much effect at all. The problem is without having the vehicle on a hoist (which i dont have) its really difficult to get a good swing on it.

You could fit the control arm then use a chain and hand winch(winch of sorts or car like I would) to pull the crossmember back into place.

Yep was thinking of trying this before I went down the path of a new crossmember.
I could just go park it over that bloody hole I ran into instead. It was more than deep/big enough to swing a sledge hammer in :mad:
Tried to unbend it today and.... I broke the snatch strap I was using to unbend it and it didnt even budge..... :(

On the plus side it give me an excuse to buy a new snatch strap/recovery kit which i needed to to because my old strap was pretty screwed.
Went to a wrecker today and got a new tie rod and cross member for $50 which was pretty reasonable. only to 40mins to get the thing out which wasnt bad either. It would be a piece of cake to put back in except for the power steering lines have to be disconnected and re connected.

I have never touched power steering in my life. Do you have to bleed the system after you disconnect lines or will it self bleed?
^ Thanks

I have got the new cross member in and...... All the bolt holes now line up again!!!!!! Yay :ebiggrin: Almost back to normal. Just need to finish putting everything back together and get the wheels aligned again....
I have never touched power steering in my life. Do you have to bleed the system after you disconnect lines or will it self bleed?

The only thing you have to do is
While the car is up off the ground with car running turn the wheel from lock to lock. But don't go as far as the bump stops just before do that for about 6 or 7 times
The reason for the car on jacks is not so much wear on the tyres

So I discovered a few new interesting feature of my car the hard way today;

1) My fuel tank is down from 60L capacity to 54L as a result of a dent....

2) My previously reliable fuel gauge now points to 1/4 full when in fact the car is sniffing fumes but still seems to move evenly as the tank empties....

Fortunately I was able to cough and splutter to within 500m of a servo which was lucky.

Never trust a Subaru fuel gauge.....
Haha. A friends Foz GT fuel tank we got down to the mid 40's of litres. Ha
I am working on making an auxiliary fuel tank foe my SF foz. .. I find the 55l I use out of thwarted 60 just isn't enough. About another 40-60l would be perfect.
I am working on making an auxiliary fuel tank foe my SF foz.

Where abouts are you planing on putting this new fuel tank? I have been thinking if one day I fit a rear bar with a wheel carrier then I could use the spare wheel spot as a pretty big aux tank.