Nope. I haven't driven it. Haven't even sat in it. But then my (er ... modern families are so complicated and we don't have words to suit a lot of relationships, let's just say a bit like a stepdaughter, very approximately) ... anyway, she hasn't driven my old red one either, at least not for maybe ten years or so. Wouldn't surprise me if it drives better than the green one does, given the amount I've spent replacing all the worn suspension components over the last couple of years.
No matter: if need be, I'll replace the same bits on the green one. Might cost a bit but bugger it, I want to get another 10 years of Forester SG goodness before I have to buy some horrible POS modern car with prison-slit windows you can't see out of and electronic garbage going off in my ear all the damn time.
I hate current-model cars. There is not one new car on the market today I'd rather have than a 12-year-old Forester.
(I have owned ... er ... 6 ... cars, and evey one except the first one has had great visibility. The HR panel van was no good at all to sides or rear - mirrors or nothing in that old clunker, but every car since then has been better than any new car you can buy today. The old Mazda RX4 was a sedan but quite good in that regard, VW Golf was superb, VL Commodore wagon was great, Barina hatchback was even better, and the SG Forester is brilliant. (Assuming thast you fold the back seat down, of course - otherwise the head restraints clutter up the back window a bit. I always take them out.) Every now and then I drive my girlfriend's little Volvo V40 or my father's Mitsubishi Outlander. The Volvo is a great little car, and the Outlander is new and plush, but you every try backing a trailer in those things? How the hell are you supposed to reverse a trailer when you can't even see the bloody thing out the back window?
Maybe in 10 years time the manufacturers will have finally got a clue and started making cars that are worth buying. If you gave me three or four brand new cars - a Merc, a Beamer, and a couple of other things, let's say - I'd still drive the Forrester. Or the VL Commodore would do if I still had it, or the old Barina. Did 100,000k in that little 1.4 litre rocket before I sold it (to the same family member I'm buying the green Forester from), including most of a Big Lap and any amount of gravel. Never missed a beat. No good in mud or on the rough stuff, of course, but it floated over sand like a hovercraft. I guess they weigh about as much as a large sheepdog, which is no doubt why.)