NachaLuva's Body Lift

I was talking to RSR and he recommended solid aluminium 40mm blocks for me rather than 40 or 50mm tube steel. There is then no possible way it can flex. I just wasn't sure about the steering extension, a pic would be good when you get a chance mate.
So I was talking to my buddy and he had said that the outbacks have 1.5 spacers between body and cross member. He had also suggested that they line up, anyone know anything about this? I know I would still have to build the rest, so if it would work idk if it would even be worth it because I have to still buy material anyways.
Ejipner, I think the Outbacks have spacers in a few places as does the Foz. 1 1/2" (35mm) sounds right. I'm just gonna stack mine on the lift blocks. Its what others have done without any issues.

Taza, sorry havent had a chance today. El Freddo says the steering extension is the legal type (with splines). Very fancy bit of engineering, really well done...
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Finding a radiator hose extension isnt as easy as I thought it would be. One quote was $45 ea :(

I ended up just getting a 110mm section of 304 stainless which gives 30mm in each hose:


Do you think this will be enough? With quality hose clamps done up tight I cant see them sliding off even under pressure. Or do I need hosetail ribs on each end? :shrug:
NachaLuva I just went into supersh*t auto and went through all their radiator hoses and found one that fit the bill. I think it was out of an early 90's ford laser, had to be cut down a lil but then it fit perfectly :) Just make sure if you find one to keep the part number in your owners manual or something so that you know what hose to get in the future :P.
I did the same. The trick was to find a good store that will let you rummage around their radiator houses.
yeah none of my hoses are standard. some from holden, ford etc.
All painted, just got to source a few bits & pieces then install :biggrin:

Photos to come...
The (almost) completed lift kit:

The little blocks at the top are for the control arms. These havent been painted yet as they had to be tied together (tack welded) with the whole kit installed, then removed & fully welded & a jig made, then painted & reinstalled.

Before the lift:

After the lift:

Clearance :biggrin:

More pics later...
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lol he's already done that, probably doubled the weight in the process ;)
added 5mm plate across where the sump bolt is (had previously hit the sump plug & bent around it! :eek:), 3mm across the front bend where it cops a lot of hits, 3mm across the front to reinforce it & bent up to stop acting like a scoop, reinforcing at the bend join where the welds had split (very poor original welds, small & weak :shake:) & a spacer where it bolts to the jacking plate. Also, one of the bolt holes in the front was in the wrong place & there wasnt enough metal to file it out so I fixed that :shake:

Dont have any scales but its certainly added some weight as well as much needed strength. As the weight is down low I'm not too concerned, just a bit of a pain for oil changes.