Tathra for me???

As we know there have been a lot of fatalities due to sharks over the last few years here in WA. Since these incidents there has not been much change in the number of swimmers and surfers at the popular beaches, but I have noticed a serious decline in the numbers of surfers in the more remote places. I can now surf certain places on weekends and be the only one out, when just a few years ago they would have been unbearably crowded.

I was wondering what effect Tahtra's shark incident has had on swimmers/surfers numbers there?
You won't see me any deeper than my ankles in salt water ans even that is too deep for me some days.

I had a narrow escape 40 odd years ago with a shark and the *******s are not getting 2nd chance with me.

I don't care what the stats are with being taken by a shark compared to other forms of dying, you will not read about my death being due to a shark. :surprised: :surprised:
For over 30 years I have been doing open water ocean swimming events and I have no intention of stopping. Being attacked by a shark would not be a nice way to go, however you are more likely to come to grief on the road.
I rarely go in the ocean these days, mainly because I am (was) so unfit. Reckon I would have drowned in any surf!! Now that I have stopped smoking I have been out doing some running/jogging every second day. Now up to 10klms so I am pretty happy with that!!
Anyway...car accidents don't stop people driving and shark attacks don't stop people swimming but there is no way anyone that lives here could possibly swim here without feeling some unease. The monster still lurks!!!
Can't escape that..it is still around.
Funny enough, I was just saying to a fellow I fish with, we should keep our eye out at the garage sales for a seconhand Mal or similar and have a play. Might put that on hold and stick to my bush trails for the fitness:)
I was in Tathra 2 weeks ago, i was watching a vintage car rally go through. We were staying at Wallaga Lake near Bermagui, another very nice spot.