Gidday ST & Rally
The technology is only half of the battle, the way we use it is just as important.
1 person drives a 2 tonne 7 seater an hour into work and an hour home again.
I don't care what electrogreentech the car runs on, riding my petrol motorcycle 10 min to work and back is better for the environment.
. . . SNIP
I've no doubt we will have the technology, but will we be smart enough to use it?
Unlikely. Basically our species is not very intelligent. I do not exclude myself from this statement.
However, for almost all the time I worked in the CBD (most of my working life when employed by others - 20 years total, less 2 years working in the 'burbs), I caught public transport to and from work. Passed one of my degrees studying on trains and buses ...
When I bought my block of land, and then chose a house design, I went to considerable length to make it as warm in winter as cool in summer as possible. What I could not do was overcome humidity, which affects me quite badly. So I use the A/C in summer mainly for that. It staggers me how little thought people put into their house design, it's orientation and so on. I studied the design almost every night for months, from ensuring the main areas of the house were on the far side of the sun in the afternoon to working out the sequence of light switches so when I came home at night I could walk along and turn one light on and the other off without walking backwards and forward in the dark, to making sure the garage was big enough to work on the cars.
Good for you.
We put similar thought into a house we designed and built near Apollo Bay.
It took me 4.5 years of searching to find the house we currently live in. Printed out the 'brochure' of something like 150 others, and must have looked at some thousands ... (I am NEVER moving again ... we had been in our previous home for 28 years!).
This house suits us well. It is well insulated, with its long side facing due North. When we moved here, the energy bills were the same as the far smaller house we had sold. It was approximately half the floor area. The energy bills have increased by some 60~80% over 6 years ... Almost ALL of this increase is down to the government subsidising extremely inefficient and basically useless solar and wind energy installations ...
The only environmentally questionable things are that it has a garden (!!); and a small swimming pool. The pool pumps use quite a lot of power ...
With a basic 2KW CFCL high temperature fuel cell unit, we would be self sufficient for power (our average power use is around 1.6 KWH per day); and this unit would provide us with "free" hot water as a by-product.
It would also have the advantage of producing excess power at peak load times (we do not use much power at peak load times as a general rule), therefore assisting with provision of some baseload power
when it is actually needed.
I would be quite prepared to spring for the entire $8,000 for one of these (installed, and unsubsidised) purely for the benefits to the environment. I am not even allowed to do this in Victoria. Unsubsidised payback period is less than 8 years.
These units make the generation of power some 70~86% more efficient than that from a centralised gas-fired power station. They use the grid power to start (24 to 48 hours), a connection to town gas, and a connection to a water supply. Heat produced by the fuel cell can provide unlimited hot water for a household.
Once the unit is running, it does not need any power running to it. It effectively becomes a big uninterruptible power supply, supplying its own power.
Forgot to mention that one could use the overnight capacity to charge an electric plug-in vehicle ... Unlike the sun, which goes "down" at night; nor the wind which drops for about an hour before to an hour after sunrise and sunset, with these CFCL units there is basically constant, regulated power 24/7.
They are also absolutely safe, as free Hydrogen is never available to provide any "big bangs" ...
[end edit]
What a shame that we cannot connect such a unit in Victoria, as it is unlawful to do so ...