Sorry to be so rough on you NL, but there are holes in what is being said on this subject that one could easily fly a 767 through ...
Dont apologise RB, it is your logic that has the massive holes...Titanic is a better example, both in size & outcome!
Meanwhile, products like the high temperature ceramic fuel cells are designed and built and ready to install TODAY.
They may not be "perfect", but they lead to approximately 70~85% improvements in efficiency of our use of fossil fuels, with a similar reduction in emissions. last something that makes sense. NEW technology....
How far do you think that solar power gets at 240V? EVEN IF it were useful, the transmission losses are appalling ...
My point exactly... energy micro production is the key, not massive power plant like you suggest. Each house, office, factory, in fact any building of any type down to a long drop, should (& eventually will when nuclear power mad fools are silenced) have their OWN power production. Hence, ZERO transmission losses, energy consumed at the source & produced as it is needed with minimal loss. That is green power!!!!!!!
The high temperature ceramic fuel cells are a great start, the next step would be renewable fuels. Personally, I like the ethanol fuel created from organic rubbish. It removes our horrible rubbish dumps, most of which is organic, it replaces fossil fuels & its emission is H2O...perfect! Now to pour funds into R&D to make it mainstream energy.
Have you seen the DeLorean in Back to the Future. Although science fiction, it uses organic rubbish (& 1 can of cola lol) to fuel the car. Funnily enough, that IS the future...the REAL future!