Off topic gun talk

Remember Columbine? That was a teenage student. No way would he get a gun with strict gun laws. It is so sad that wasnt an isolated incident: Virginia Tech; Red Lake Senior High School in Minnesota; Chardon, Ohio; All committed by students.

You obviously have not been around Black markets, foreign or otherwise. As an Intel/Recon Marine that has served his country in this Country and afar, I have seen many a place where even WITH gun laws, I could have easily purchased a firearm, AU included (very much so I might add) I have been to Sidney and while carousing the nightlife I saw my fair share of pistols, sawed off shotguns, etc. Gun laws are not the catch all by any means. My .02
Well said, the only ones that will be banned will be the legal ones, not the thousands upon thousands that are available quite easily without looking too far, I remember being given a WW2 303 rifle by a girlfriends mother when I was 18, I tarted it up a little, bought a full clip for a carton of beer and sold it for $400 a few years later.........who knows where it is now? and how many more like that out there.