*Cautiously approaches* :rotfl:
"apparently approx" ??? please state your source.
That was just an approximate figure I had in my head, gained from news, current affairs, docos, etc. It seems my estimate is a little high, however the stats arent great...
From some (very quick lol) research:
"Firearms are the second-leading cause of non-natural deaths for kids, typically from a gun the kid finds somewhere around the house, according to a University of Utah report that mentioned additional horrific statistics. About
two-thirds of accidental shooting deaths happen in the home, with the kid shooting himself to death in 45 percent of the cases and friends or family members pulling the trigger in the remainder." (
"Overall firearm mortality rates are five to six times higher in HI (high income) and UMI (upper-middle income) countries in the Americas (12.72) than in Europe (2.17), or Oceania (2.57) and 95 times higher than in Asia (0.13). The
rate of firearm deaths in the United States (14.24 per 100 000) exceeds that of its economic counterparts (1.76) eightfold and that of UMI countries (9.69) by a factor of 1.5." (
"Gun-related death rates in the United States are
eight times higher than they are in countries that are economically and politically similar to it. Higher rates are found in developing countries and those with political instability" (Wikipedia).
Food for thought....
Hell, I agree with Rally, thought this site was about Subaru vehicles?
This is in the "off topic" section. It was actually RB who mentioned that...