Driver training, instruction.

I would call myself a good driver I more so want to pratice doing power slides and burnouts onroad so if the car does slide or become close to rolling im in control. General driving im always in control but I mean if something like that happens. I don't feel I need it but would like to do it, plus as said you always learn things.

You got your licence 3years ago??
I got mine 2, well almost 2 and get off my P's in a few weeks :biggrin:

That's a fair but of driving Thunder.. where the hell have you been going!

in victoria get your p's at 18 and get off them at 22!!!! its crap! cant drive a turbo untill then, luckily its the end of next year, already saving for a turbo brumby or XT :ebiggrin:
i do a lot of driving! i go home about every 2 weeks which generally makes it a 1000k+ weekend plus when im holidays plenty of camping trips. ive only done 45,000 in my forester as the rest have been in my brumby and my girlfirends magan that we used to have
Gidday Thunder & Taza

in victoria get your p's at 18 and get off them at 22!!!! its crap! cant drive a turbo untill then, luckily its the end of next year, already saving for a turbo brumby or XT :ebiggrin:
i do a lot of driving! i go home about every 2 weeks which generally makes it a 1000k+ weekend plus when im holidays plenty of camping trips. ive only done 45,000 in my forester as the rest have been in my brumby and my girlfirends magan that we used to have

These restrictions may seem harsh to you.
The powers that be are trying valiantly to keep you alive.

By the end of the second year of having my licence, 12 people in my final year high school class were dead - killed in road "accidents".

That's 12 out of 72 ...

Think about it.

The death rate from road "accidents" (read: "inexperience + testosterone" ... ) is still around 56/100,000 p.a. among 18 to 25 year old males. At the end of this 7 year period, 392 of them will have died.

What a shocking waste.

Have either of you held your friend close because their son has just died in a car "accident"? I have. There is no fun in it, and no consoling of the parents who have lost their child.

The medication I take to keep me alive has a death rate of 1,700/100,000 p.a. Without it, I will die very quickly indeed. With it, I have some chance of life. This is quite different from the needless deaths of our young people on the roads.

See why us silly old farts around here are so heavy on you youngsters when you do silly things?
We do not want any one of you to be part of that 56 dead young people each year.

To get this death rate into some perspective, almost no motorist dies as a result of their own actions between 25 and 75 ... Sure, some do, but compared with the 18 to 25 y.o. male death rate, it is tiny.

The death rate for 18~25 y.o. males has steadily and significantly declined over the last 50 years. The single biggest cause of this has been the introduction of probationary licences, AFAICS ...

Sorry for the rant, but you both need to understand that the reason these rules exist is to try to protect you from yourselves and each other.
^ And that's why I have 4cylinder car.

Although I am a safe driver I do do stupid things. Only when people and other cars aren't around though and pretty much when only im in the car. Like going over speed humps fast, driving over curbs, accellerating out of corner fast..

That would explain why car insurance is double what is is for young male drivers against young female drivers.
It isn't always our fault though when an accident does happen. I daily see numerous people doing the wrong things while driving. I see people on the phone, not indicating, driving 30km/hr below the limit which is causing issues for others and more of that.
Most of the time I accellerate hard and brake reasonably hard. I take most corners at 20-35km/hr too.
Gidday again Taz

^ And that's why I have 4cylinder car.

Although I am a safe driver I do do stupid things.

When you only do stupid things "by accident", then, and ONLY then will you be a relatively safe driver ...
IMHO, there is no such thing as a "safe" driver. Just drivers who are more dangerous than most ...

Only when people and other cars aren't around though and pretty much when only im in the car. Like going over speed humps fast, driving over curbs, accellerating out of corner fast..

As I said to you before mate, what do you think the speed bumps are there for?

That would explain why car insurance is double what is is for young male drivers against young female drivers.
It isn't always our fault though when an accident does happen.

The insurance rate speaks for itself ...

And while it isn't necessarily the fault of the young driver, they have less experience that enables them to foresee and predict trouble, and know what evasive action to take that will avoid it when these situations arise.

I daily see numerous people doing the wrong things while driving. I see people on the phone, not indicating, driving 30km/hr below the limit which is causing issues for others and more of that.
Most of the time I accellerate hard and brake reasonably hard. I take most corners at 20-35km/hr too.

I agree about people driving in a silly or irresponsible manner. Many, many young women (in particular) use their phones while driving, and texting while driving is suicidal IMNSHO.
However, many of these situations occur at low speed, and young women are also far slower and more careful drivers than young men. When you have risk-taking behaviour, combined with higher speeds, and sillier behaviour, then you have a much bigger recipe for disaster.

If you re-read some of what you have written here in a couple of years (put the URLs in your diary ... :iconwink: :poke:), I will be very interested to hear your comments then on what you have said now ... :). Assuming that I am around to read your notes then ... :iconwink:
Taza, when you're young EVERYONE thinks they're a safe driver. After my first accident (lost control on a corner on a wet road, spun out and hit a large gum tree at the B pillar, drivers side :(), I was feeling pretty down and my uncle gave me some good advice. He said he doesnt feel safe in a car driven by anyone who hasnt been in an accident as they havent learnt the consequences yet. I did the hard way.
Although I went through a silly phase owning a RX3 with approx 220KW import engine conversion (nearly stacked it on way home from picking it up as turbo came on boost :o), I am for the most part a cautious driver. I couldnt count how many times I have avoided an accident from some idiot doing something stupid. My father taught me, when driving on country roads around a blind corner, always drive like ther's a log truck coming the other way. Great advice as its happened a couple of times. Also drivers on my side around a right hand corner or animals on the road.

The thing is if you expect these things to happen you will be much more ready for it when it happens.

Yeah im not sure about there 4wd course in regards to softroaders, ill have to look into it, i dont think there 4wd course is very hardcore hey as they use Hyundai vehicles now...

Haha. I would love to do a 4WD course but how serious could it be with Hyundais lol

This would be a great course:
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I daily see numerous people doing the wrong things while driving. I see people on the phone, not indicating, driving 30km/hr below the limit which is causing issues for others and more of that..

I agree about people driving in a silly or irresponsible manner. Many, many young women (in particular) use their phones while driving, and texting while driving is suicidal IMNSHO.
Yes I see that too many times (& on a daily basis) for my liking :madred:

Then today, while on my way home from work I saw a beauty.
I just happened to glance over at the car next to me a there was female driver (late 30's - early 40's) knitting, yes you heard me right, they were knitting whilst they were trying drive :shake:

All I could think of was "yes we have a winner" for the brain dead driver of the day :mob:

Mr Turbo
My father taught me, when driving on country roads around a blind corner, always drive like ther's a log truck coming the other way. Great advice as its happened a couple of times. Also drivers on my side around a right hand corner or animals on the road.

The thing is if you expect these things to happen you will be much more ready for it when it happens.
Thats some sound advice Nachaluva :iconwink:

One thing I always keep in the back of my mind when driving, is to always expect the unexpected :cool:

Mr Turbo
the reason why i dissagree with the victorian rules is because you can drive a v6 commodore, or straigh 6 falcon which has more power then a stock xt. makes sense? no not only are they more powerfull but they are rear wheel drive and dont have the safetly level compared to a subaru or other cars for that matter

i also bet if you looked at the people who crash in my age bracket that most are commodores that have been flogged out and will crash and kill them selves no matter what there going to drive

i know all to well about death in cars yet i still dont agree with the rules. at the age of 21 a full adult by law except for cars.
Yes I see that too many times (& on a daily basis) for my liking :madred:

Then today, while on my way home from work I saw a beauty.
I just happened to glance over at the car next to me a there was female driver (late 30's - early 40's) knitting, yes you heard me right, they were knitting whilst they were trying drive :shake:

All I could think of was "yes we have a winner" for the brain dead driver of the day :mob:

Mr Turbo

Leaving aside the dangers from the knitting needles themselves!

When driving on the open road, I remove the ever-present biro from my shirt pocket, and also take off the bum bag I carry my medications in. Both can be either "weapons", or interfere with the operation of the seatbelt.

A good reason for wearing glasses with CR39 lenses (basically an unbreakable polycarbonate ... ) is that it is far easier to remove these from where they are embedded in your face than it is to remove a contact lens from the aqueous humour of the inside of one's eye ...

Also, be visible. I always drive with my low beams on when driving on the open road. Regardless of car colour, it is far easier to see the headlights than it is to see a car.
Then today, while on my way home from work I saw a beauty.
I just happened to glance over at the car next to me a there was female driver (late 30's - early 40's) knitting, yes you heard me right, they were knitting whilst they were trying drive :shake:

I've seen people reading books or the newspaper & heard of people eating breakfast, but knitting is a first! :huh::shake:

the reason why i dissagree with the victorian rules is because you can drive a v6 commodore, or straight 6 falcon which has more power then a stock xt. makes sense? no not only are they more powerfull but they are rear wheel drive and dont have the safety level compared to a subaru or other cars for that matter

I agree thunder.
I would investigate this turbo exemption. Apparently its only for drivers with a good record and for certain vehicles only, ie, not high performance. My niece is getting one to get a Foz XT
I agree thunder.
I would investigate this turbo exemption. Apparently its only for drivers with a good record and for certain vehicles only, ie, not high performance. My niece is getting one to get a Foz XT

g'day as far as i knew and according to the vicroads website the subaru forester GT is allowed if a clean reccored but the subaru forester XT isnt regardless of good behaviour.

follow this website link and enter the subaru forester and you will see that the GT an application is required but the XT is banned.

also in regared to the victorian p plater rules a idiot driver is going to kill them selves on the road regardless of 0.05 alcohol and car restrictions! and its people like me who havnt even had a parking ticket have to pay the price! :twisted:
Gidday Thunder

g'day as far as i knew and according to the vicroads website the subaru forester GT is allowed if a clean reccored but the subaru forester XT isnt regardless of good behaviour.

follow this website link and enter the subaru forester and you will see that the GT an application is required but the XT is banned.

Good bit of research there, mate. And yeah, I agree, all Turbo 2.5 L Foresters are BANNED for P-Platers.

also in regared to the victorian p plater rules a idiot driver is going to kill them selves on the road regardless of 0.05 alcohol and car restrictions! and its people like me who havnt even had a parking ticket have to pay the price! :twisted:

Methinks that you fail to understand the distinction between individual risk statistics and population statistics.

While each and every one of us has to act on the former - i.e. in our own interests, considering our own specific, individual circumstances.

Every single government policy or law has to be based on the latter - i.e. probability of occurrence given a specific set of parameters; individual risk is specifically excluded from these considerations, and must be; otherwise one would be ignoring the 'rules' of probability theory which govern population statistics ... .

Population statistics tell us what the death risk is for any given group of drivers; and that the risk for 18~25 year olds is extremely high. That is the basis on which the government must legislate and/or make policy; not on the basis of trying to pick individual winners and losers.

They only do this latter as a last resort, by suspending or cancelling the licence of those who demonstrate that they are an unacceptable risk to themselves and society at large.

Read John Stuart Mill's "Essay on Liberty" for a bit more detail ... :iconwink:
g'day as far as i knew and according to the vicroads website the subaru forester GT is allowed if a clean reccored but the subaru forester XT isnt regardless of good behaviour.

follow this website link and enter the subaru forester and you will see that the GT an application is required but the XT is banned.

Yep, you're right. She texted me last night to say she couldnt get the exemption on the XT. I think she got caught up in all the excitement lol

also in regared to the victorian p plater rules a idiot driver is going to kill them selves on the road regardless of 0.05 alcohol and car restrictions! and its people like me who havnt even had a parking ticket have to pay the price! :twisted:

Thats always the way...the majority of decent people always pay for the stupidity of a minority
The XT has the same engine setup as the WRX. The GT is a de-tuned variation of the WRX setup of the time, so it's not as potent from the factory. But that can be tricked up to equal or better the factory WRX setup!


Gidday NL

Yep, you're right. She texted me last night to say she couldnt get the exemption on the XT. I think she got caught up in all the excitement lol

She must be disappointed.
OTOH, my NA 2006 Fox is more than fast enough to get an inexperienced driver into some very serious trouble ...

Put any kind of blower in there, and that risk isn't a risk anymore, it is almost a certainty.

Thats always the way...the majority of decent people always pay for the stupidity of a minority

Perhaps so. But be that as it may, 18~25 males still have by far the highest road-kill rate for any group.

AND the ones who die are sometimes the lucky ones. In my training, we got to visit the acquired brain injury wards at Royal Adelaide Hospital.
Chock full of beautiful young men who had often taken a year or two to learn how to clean their teeth and blow their own nose again.
A body is merely a life-support system for a brain; and it is that brain that makes us who we are. :censored: that brain up, and what makes us a functioning creature goes with it :cry:.

It was, and is, very sobering.