Vehicle specification selection:
Specs for 1998 – 2003 used for both alignments.
1/. Are there any differences between the wheel alignment specs for the two different models? They've used Gen3 you have Gen4. However ideal Subaru alignment specs are very generic, so i wouldn't worry about it.
2/. If so, would these account for any of the specs contained in the Alignment report? Yes, you castor is very much unchanged throughout, yet it is way out of "spec". I wouldn't mind betting it is correct for your model.
Rear Axle:
· Within spec. (Note: Camber adjustment has been fully utilised.)
· Outside spec.
1/. Is there any method to adjust the toe? Toe and camber is the one adjustment, changes both at the same time.
2/. What is the likely impact of the excess rear ‘toe’ on tyre wear:
- more rapid, wear evenly across the face of the tyres? Very uneven wear and a significant impact on your tyre life.
- Excessive wear on the inside / outside portion of the tread? (Which?) Read the link and work it out :iconwink:
3/. Would fitting a rear ‘camber kit’ – even though rear camber is within spec - assist in bringing the rear toe back within acceptable parameters? Possibley, find out how much additional adjustment you achieve with aftermarket parts then you can work out if it is enough to bring your car in spec.
Front Axle:
· Outside spec.
1/. Is there any method to adjust the front camber? Yes, top bolt that holds the strut to the steering knuckle.
- Will Imprezza adjustable front strut mounts fit the Outback? Ask the manufacturer, they should be able to tell you. Ask subtle if anyone uses them with their kit.
2/. What is the likely / potential impact of the degree of positive camber shown, together with the ‘excessive’ (based on 1998 – 2003 specs) additional degree of castor on steering characteristics: More positive is good. Castor does not effect tyre wear.
- Understeer? - Oversteer? - Instability? Heavier steering at low speed, improved high speed stability. Benefits outweight the negatives.
· Within spec.
1/. Is there any method to adjust the toe? Yes, the steering rack end where it screws into the outer tie rod.
2/. If so, would adjusting the toe assist in improving the front camber? No.