Lidsdale Trip Jan 2010

mr turbo

Emeritus Forum Staff and Founders' Friend
Jul 11, 2008
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What a fantastic trip. We had everything I think. :ebiggrin:
There was dirt & dust, water & creek crossings, steep & I mean steep hill climbs aswell as decents, brilliant views, together with a few recoveries. :o
Adding to this there was plenty of air, with everyone having a wheel up off the ground at some stage during the trip.



The first hill climb we came to was very steep & required some road building as it was rutted, especially towards the top. :evil:
After subalex made it to the top it was my go. Unfortunatly I didn't make it & needed to be snatched the final little bit. :redface:
Then it was Kevins turn. No go, he also to be snatched up to the top.:o
Michaels turn, again no go, so with 3x snatch straps joined together, subalex in his Patrol was able to get him to the top.
Apsilons go now & with an almighty effort, made it up unassisted. :)



A few km's down the road, steam started pouring out from under the bonnet of my Forry. Luckily, it was nothing major, I just bumped my fan cut out switch. So after letting it cool down & topping it back up with some coolant, we were back on the dirt for some more fun. :raz:

After a little more driving, we came to a water crossing where we stopped for lunch, thus giving the brakes etc time to cool, before crossing.
The water was a decent length, but nothing our cars couldn't handle.


It was what happened next that was a cause for concern, especially for Kevin. :huh:
I'll let the pics explain & I think you'll understand.



Once we pulled Kevin out, it was a short drive to the campsite, where we had dinner & a few drinks. Until the storm that was. A little water wasn't going to hurt us, but after such an eventfull day we called it a night & headed off to bed.

Mr Turbo
We woke up to a beautiful morning with a light fog, so I new that it was going to be a great day. :raz:
So, we headed out for some more fun & excitment, that had a couple of play options included if we wanted also. :monkeydance:

So instead of talking about it, I'll let the pics tell the story for me :ebiggrin:

But before I do that, I'd just like to say a big thankyou to subalex for running & organising one of the best, if not the best trip I think I think I've ever been on. Well done mate. :bananatoast::yourock:









Lidsdale Trip Pics

Mr Turbo
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Great pics as always.

Looking at the pics of my car it seems I spent a could part of the 2 days on 3 wheels LOL.

EDIT: BTW I'm having trouble FTPing to my host ATM so no pics from me yet.
Looking at the pics of my car it seems I spent a could part of the 2 days on 3 wheels LOL.
You're not the only one. I felt the same way myself. :)
But look on the bright side, it's one way to make your tyres last longer. :lol:

Mr Turbo
This looks like it was a great one!!!:woohoo:Can't wait to see the videos posted, and I have the time to watch mr turbo's slide show.

I've got to ask; how did Kevin end up off the side of the trail??? Daydreaming???:raspberry:
:p we were skirting the ruts on what looked like a solid surface covered in vegetation - which covered a large rock that Mr Turbo had disturbed. I hit it which sent the car too far left and subsequently discovered the ditch!
Too much to say about the trip really isn't there. Plenty of real off-road action. Heaps of challenges that I hoped the boys would all sink their teeth into and they all did with gusto. Working hard to achieve make it to the top of some of those hill climbs made them more satisfying. I can't help but smile each time I'm reminded of calling through "Nah, sorry guys I think this one is not for the rest of you (way too long a climb with lots of bigger rocks and ruts to cross) and blow me down there's Mr Turbo's forry on boost kicking up a small dust cloud behind me filling my rear view mirrors moments later I'm hearing something like, "Don't slow down Alex, get a move on!". The joy on Damian's face when we reached the top.

A very satisfying trip for me too. Only wish the rain had held off to let us all chat around the fire.
I can't help but smile each time I'm reminded of calling through "Nah, sorry guys I think this one is not for the rest of you (way too long a climb with lots of bigger rocks and ruts to cross) and blow me down there's Mr Turbo's forry on boost kicking up a small dust cloud behind me filling my rear view mirrors moments later I'm hearing something like, "Don't slow down Alex, get a move on!". The joy on Damian's face when we reached the top.
Yes I did have a slight smile on my face didn't I :woohoo:
I only wish I could have taken a pic & seen the look on your face when I said it. :discomonkey: :lol: :discomonkey:
As they say, "momentum is your friend" :raz:

I agree about the rain :madred: but that didn't stop us (Alex & myself) having some fun with the camera (experimenting with long exposure shots & a torch) once it stopped raining though. :biggrin:

Mr Turbo
You & Alex late at night eh - so what was it you had exposed for a long time then? :lol:
Well that looks like a great trip, including some challenging driving.

Alex, can you give us any info, even if only vague, on the route?
Nope - you'll have to join in on the trip re-run (j/king) :iconwink:

Seriously though, Alex does intend doing the trip again in the not-too-distant future as there have be several requests already.
Seriously though, Alex does intend doing the trip again in the not-too-distant future as there have be several requests already.
I'd be interested, correction, very interested in doing another trip there. :raz:

As there's a hill that got the better of us & we have a score to settle with it, don't we Kevin. :twisted: :biggrin:

Mr Turbo
Yes, a re-run will happen. I'll check my calendar for a good date. I have to say that I'm keen to take advantage of the remaining holidays before term 1 begins. I'm planning to include a new track that will link Mt Airly to Baal Bone Gap on the 2nd day too which will provide some more interesting hill climbs, views and creek crossings.

I also watched the DVD that came with the current 4WD Action magazine and has Roothy doing a trip to Mt Walker right near Lithgow too and I think that means another trip for me to organise. This should include Lake Lyell and some historic research just like they presented on the DVD.

Looking forward to having those two trips sorted and I'll get back to you all soon with a new thread.
I'd be keen for another visit but probably not in the next few weeks. My side that I fell on in the car is giving me a lot of trouble. Must be more than bruised, probably tore a muscle. Wakes me up every time I turn over and as I'm a restless sleeper that's a lot. Also can't lift anything etc so it's a real PITA. Even had to have an early night last night :(

Anyway I'm uploading some vids ATM and will post links once they're up. Someone can repost them to the Subaru and Recreational 4WD club form as I'm still waiting for full access.
Sorry to hear that apsilon. :sad:

I know what it's like to have a torn muscle & not being able to lift anything. :o Apart from being quite painful it's also very frustrating & quite inconvenient not being able to lift anything. :madred:

Hope your feeling better soon. :)

Mr Turbo
I'll be fine, thanks.

OK, videos :ebiggrin:

[ame=""]YouTube- Lidsdale area trip Jan '10 - wet track[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube- Lidsdale area trip Jan '10 - steep climb[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube- Lidsdale area trip Jan '10 - descent[/ame]

EDIT: Final video added.
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