On fuel consumption, tyres and wheel alignments
Gidday All
Since having the new tyres fitted AND the full wheel alignment done, I have noticed a vast improvement in handling (just around town). No tendency to float or drift in the lane; more precise around corners; and no tendency to pull ever so slightly to the left when stopping at lights - just during the last couple of metres before coming to a dead halt ...
Now, what's really quite odd is that I have noticed a pronounced change in apparent fuel economy!
I watch my fuel gauge to get some idea of what my range will be.
Unlike Roo1, the gauge in Roo2 is a precise measure of fuel used and remaining. Each quarter mark represents exactly 1/5th of a tank (i.e. 12L), with the empty mark being the point at which the fuel warning light comes on, and I have exactly 1/5th of a tank left.
The gauge is very precise. The difference between the needle exactly covering the dial mark is discernibly different at a single kilometre level. That is, at (say) 99 kms, the gauge is very slightly above aligning precisely with the 3/4 mark; at 100 kms it is precisely central; and at 101 kms it is ever so slightly under the central point.
Up until now, the 3/4 mark has been at between about 96 to 100 kms.
This has been the norm after filling the tank and driving around town.
I filled the tank at 104,411 kms. Nothing unusual about the fill. Stopped at the first click, as I could hear the fuel gurgling in the filler tube - so I haven't over-filled the tank or anything like that.
The new tyres were fitted and the alignment done at 104,443 kms - i.e. 32 kms after filling the tank. Very distinct improvement in the behaviour of the car all round, including seeming to roll "more freely", for want of a better term for something that is extremely subtle.
Now then. I watched the fuel gauge needle creep towards the 3/4 mark from 113 kms onwards. It was exactly central at 115 kms; and just below central by 116 kms ... Only about 80 kms of this tank was done after the tyres and alignment.
Unless I am dreaming, this has made a huge difference to the fuel economy of Roo2. Usage has not changed at all since the last tank (11.99L/100kms).
Could it be the tyres? Low rolling resistance, silica based rubber tyres.
Could it be the fact that the wheels were all going in different directions?
Toe in/out was all over the place:
FP = 2.4 mm
FD = -1.2 mm
Spec = -1.6 ~ +1.6
RP = +2.4
RD = +4.6
Spec = -0.5 ~ +2.6
Now adjusted to pretty much dead centre of the specs.
I know that this is very early days and I will really have to wait until a couple of tanks are under the belt to even out fill errors and usage variation, but I have never come close to this sort of economy before.
But this appears to be an improvement of the order of 10~15%!! If it is real, and continues, I will be one very happy chappy! :lol: