P0171 bank 1 misfire


New Member
Jun 24, 2024
Car Year
Car Model
2008 forester sg auto 300 000 km
this code is on occasionally at above 3000 rpm
And petrol usage goes to 22l/100km
I have live data from scanner at time of code but I can not compare it to what should be standard
Have replaced o2 sensor's already but code is back again after some days
help would be appreciated
G'day & Welcome (again) @Leonv

Did you use Denso sensors? I'm not sure if your model is MAF or MAP but either way hit 'em with some MAF cleaner.

Air filter OK?
The EJ253 SG (MY 2005 to 2008, IIRC) uses a MAP sensor, not a MAF sensor in the inlet manifold.
I know my MY'03 is MAP but knew it changed over later but not sure when. ;)
I know my MY'03 is MAP but knew it changed over later but not sure when. ;)
With the use of the EJ253 engine, Kevin.

I seem to recall starting a thread about the many differences between the EJ253 and EJ251 engines used up until the end of run of the SG Series 1 Forester.

It's here:

The EJ253 was used until the MY 2011 SH, IIRC. Heather's MY 2009 certainly uses it.
G'day & Welcome (again) @Leonv

Did you use Denso sensors? I'm not sure if your model is MAF or MAP but either way hit 'em with some MAF cleaner.

Air filter OK?
I did not install Denso sensors
Filter new
Checked for air leaks
Maf cleaned
Our Subies are a bit sensitive with O2 sensors and Denso is the usual recommendation
Getting back to Leon's question,

1) :welcome: to this friendly forum, Leon, and

2) Give your engine a good dose of Subaru intake manifold cleaner, if you haven't already done so. This will clean the MAF/MAP sensor.

3) This cleaner needs to be used at every service.

Sorry, I thought I posted this earlier today ...