Site Upgrades

A XenForo upgrade will be installed this morning (Monday GMT +11). 30 minutes notice will be given when backups are completed. Backups have commenced
Now upgraded to XenForo 2.2.8 Patch 1 and Xenforo Media Gallery 2.2.4
A maintenance upgrade to XenForo 2.2.9 will occur today after local backups are done. The site will be down for just a few minutes when the upgrade occurs.
Upgrade to XenForo 2.2.10 Patch 1 done
A maintenance upgrade to XenForo 2.2.11 will occur today after local backups are done. The site will be down for just a few minutes when the upgrade occurs.
Upgrade to XenForo 2.2.12 and XenForo Media Gallery 2.2.5 has just completed. Thought I'd sneak it in while no one was logged on ;)
Because as an Admin you can; no one other than myself was logged on when I started the process ;)
Upgrade to XenForo 2.2.16 Patch 2 and Media Gallery 2.2.6 done
Upgrade to XenForo 2.3.3 and Media Gallery 2.3.3 done
Upgrade to XenForo 2.3.4 and Media Gallery 2.3.4 done