air compressor poll

which air compressor for $150?

  • single faster & larger good quality one

    Votes: 17 89.5%
  • 2x smaller and slower reasonable quality ones

    Votes: 2 10.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I bought one of those fleabay cheapies for $72 delivered and it worked great except the gauge was stuck on 27lb so I sent the supplier a nice note saying it was a waste of money sending it back as he'd paid $29 for freight & could he do something about it as I didn't want to leave bad feedback, I got a very apologetic reply and 4 days later he sent me a complete new unit paying $32 post this he made a total of $11 on the deal and lost 2 compressors, I used the new one for the first time about a week later after a trip to Two Rocks & it worked great except it seemed to be taking too long to pump the tyre up so I got my hand gauge out & checked the tyre, pump gauge read 22lb, hand gauge read 45lb hahaha so this gauge was stuffed too but I wasn't going to complain again......Poor bugger.
But for the price it seems great so far.
Here we have cheap compressors that the hardcore wheelers use and swear by them...

With all four at 10psi I aired them up in about 3min. to 32psi )235/75r15's.

Well I had to go to Harbor Freight for something else and I picked up one of these compressors. Yes, I would rather spend the money and get a real high quality/dollar one but I just haven't done it. After scooby originally posted about it I did some research and found lots of good reviews about it, and only a few negative ones. It's better than the compressor I had before..which was none, and it looks to be of pretty good quality over a lot of other things you buy at Harbor Freight. I don't plan on just using it for emergencies, I'm going to put it to work. I aired down a bit for my last wheelin' trip and it made a HUGE difference. Testing for real begins in a few weeks at Brown Mountain, but I'll check it out today on Nubaru's slow leaky tire. Stay tuned...
Mine has had a fair bit of use now and it's still going great for cheap Chinese, rarely would you go less than 15lb so I figure if it dies it'll just be a slow trip to the servo although putting 60lb in your spare will normally bring your tyres up to a reasonable amount with an equalising hose which you could easily make an adaptor to fit the hose on the compressor end of the cheapy, it's what I did in my old Landcruiser & I'd go from 18lb to about 25lb on each tyre from 100lb in my skinny std split rim spare into my 33x12.5x15's, worth a thought.
Put about 8lbs in Nubaru's tire yesterday in about 30 sec., runs pretty solid sounding, no rattles or anything. I can tell right away that the gauge is wrong, reads about 10lbs too high, even the compressor manual tells you that you want to double check with another gauge, so I guess that is to be expected. So far so good...:)
Thats good to hear :)

Any time I use my air compressor, I always check it with my digital tyre gauge to be sure :iconwink:

Mr Turbo
I'm going to make a decent hose & ditch the springy one, I've got about 50m of 10mm inside diameter compressor hose and I think I still have the good quality fitting from my Cruiser, bigger the hose the less back pressure so they may inflate quicker too, I know that anything less than 10mm is useless for painting cars etc.
There's a couple of modifications I'd like to do to this one, longer power cable so I can have the on/off switch handy at the rear tires, and a shorter non-coiled hose which wouldn't be needed with the longer power leads. I'd also at least like the option of a push on connection to the tire valve instead of the thread on one.
First use of the Harbor Freight air compressor and I'm giving it the thumbs up.:ebiggrin: Put 10lbs in all four tires on about 7 minutes with no problems. I must correct my gauge inaccuracy, it only reads about 5lbs too high, but is is consistent.

Brown Mountain was awesome again yesterday, but I didn't really take any pics and I've got so many trip reports from there that I'm not posting another.

I must say though that this is really the first time I've aired down (25psi) and it made a HUGE difference, much better traction and lots more comfortable.:cool:
I've used my Super Crap Auto compressor couple of times now, i was expecting it to be slow but its not bad. does the job in reasonable time & was cheap :biggrin:

I always check pressures with a digital gauge no matter how i inflate the tyres...
I've used my Super Crap Auto compressor couple of times now, i was expecting it to be slow but its not bad. does the job in reasonable time & was cheap :biggrin:

I always check pressures with a digital gauge no matter how i inflate the tyres...
Wish I had the same luck. My SuperCheapAuto one NEVER worked :(

I bought another proper one at the 4WD show in Sydney and haven't looked back since.
Got the best supercheap auto compressor there is. Got it reeealy cheap on a sale ($99!) and is very good. 72L/min.