inflating the tires with nitrogen


Forum Member
Aug 5, 2012
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Haven't tried yet but it seems that inflating the tires with nitrogen helps keeping them with the correct pressure, less leaks, as the nitrogen molecules are bigger (yes, 80% of the air is nitrogen but i'm talking 100% nitrogen) and there is no humidity in the nitrogen which keeps the tires less prone to pressure changes.
The percentage of nitrogen is actually 78%. Having said that are you going to carry a gas bottle to nitrogen up after nitrogen downing !! My tyre man who sells nitrogen says it is a complete waste of money.
The percentage of nitrogen is actually 78%.

78.084 % if you really want to be accurate :iconwink:

I don't think that a lambda person would see any difference, but in F1 or MotoGP, they actually use nitrogen to inflate the tires. Same for the shock absorbers of all makes. Its just a more stable gas less prone to leaking, but you're right, I wouldn't bother with a nitrogen bottle in the trunk for a vehicule used off road as we have to inflate and deflate the tires from time to time.
Yes. For on-road use, they make a huge difference in terms of temperature stability. We have nitrogen yearly plans here offered by many tyre shops. You just have to drop by their shops to have the pressures checked/topped-up. That is OK for cars but I prefer like my air compressor even with on-road application.
The selling of nitrogen to inflate the tyres of normally used road cars (or off-road cars) is a classic case of upselling. It's like the Maccas server asking if you'd like fries with that. Proper scientific studies have been done that show there is no real practical advantage of nitrogen filled tyres unless you drive a high performance car (or bike) on the race track.

"The truth of the matter is that nitrogen does have some scientific advantages over air, but they lie at the upper reaches of the tire performance spectrum, and it’s debatable if the average driver will reap any benefits from using nitrogen."
I completely agree, at least in my experience. I only ever used them on the race track during time trials/track days. After the warmup lap and with nitrogen, the tires would heat up but the pressure almost doesn't move or just moves up a bit, instead of jumping up to 4 to 5 psi with regular air. My lap times didn't change that much with the use of either as long as I run my preferred psi for the track/weather conditions.