These guys were talking of manual transmissions. Your CVT will be somewhat immune to the same kind of issues like any other automatic gearbox. You can just apply more throttle and the car will eventually build up enough torque multiplication to move the tyres over the obstacle. A manual gearbox requires slipping of the clutch to crawl and the mechanical disadvantage of larger tyres makes for a much more difficult rock climbing venture. Most modern manual Subarus have only a quasi low-lange of 1.15 or something close to that whereas the older Foresters (and even older L-series wagons) used to have 1.5 or 1.59 low range (other techies here will remember the exact ratios), so swapping them into a newer Forester gearbox is a BIG step up in overcoming the larger tyres, and then some. Then you could swap diff ratios out as well, increasing the low range gearing. Mind you, it's nothing like a Patrol's low-range 1st... nothing like it at all... but still the best effort of low range crawling Subaru has ever made. Any greater low range would see us breaking CV's.