
Hi all, 10 months after starting this thread i can report some progress - i have the carputer configured and running on the kitchen table with moving map software. Just configured the Carnetix power supply for the Mac Mini and hope to have it installed in-car before too long (work commitments allowing of course). The Mac Mini will be under a seat and only the screen will be need to be mounted which will be a simple task because there is only one cable between it and the Mac Mini. I've considered not mounting it at all and just having 'free' to pick up and pass around like a tablet PC or iPad. Here are some progress pics....


cant wait to see that baby setup:cool:. what software and maps are you using?
also i wouldn't want to do any water water crossings with it under your seat.;)
Hi Eden, the software is MacGPSPRO and the maps are old OziExplorer maps but i also purchase and calibrate my own maps before a trip and so are slowly building up a more up to date collection of Victorian high country maps. Good point about water crossings - the ECU is just as vulnerable and with one exception to date (see pic below) i just do not risk it if the water is above the hubs 'cos i want to drive home :) and use the car for work on Monday :)
and 12 months later