

Forum Member
Jul 10, 2008
Gippsland, South Eastern Australia
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Hi, do any forum members run Car Computers. I've long been researching and planning for my own eventual installation and have this week finally started purchasing all the bits n pieces. Mine will be based on an Intel Mac Mini and it's primary function will be GPS positioning. I'll post pics as i progress....

I've always wanted to do this. Especially since my garmin gps got stolen from a friend car a couple weeks ago. They really aren't too pricey. I priced one out at about 400 USD total not too long ago. They also seem like a great running project with alot of possiblities.
I'm planning to of sorts. I've bought a Dell Mini 9 that I'm going to use for trips. It'll run Oziexplorer for navigation and in conjunction with a USB DVD burner and my 160gb iPod it'll give me a way to back up my dSLR photos on long trips. Also provides a DVD player for entertainment on rainy days and with mobile broadband a way to keep in touch and check directions etc.
Hi, do any forum members run Car Computers. I've long been researching and planning for my own eventual installation and have this week finally started purchasing all the bits n pieces. Mine will be based on an Intel Mac Mini and it's primary function will be GPS positioning. I'll post pics as i progress....

what navigation programs do you plan on using?
Hi Eden, I'll be using MacGPSPro
The latest version can use OziExplorer OZFX3 maps if i want to. Up until now before leaving on a trip I'd purchase my topos from Land Channel here in Victoria and calibrate them for the GPSDash application that i was using on my PDA and I might continue to do that to build up a library of the most update maps available. Some of the OZFX2 converted to OZFX3 NRE maps circulating are pretty old now. Okay i know the contours don't change but land use does and there are new tracks and closures in some areas - the Otways is one such area.

Going the Mac Mini route is not the cheapest option for a Car Computer but we Mac users "have got religion!!" and wont move over to the 'dark side'. On a serious note though I have a lot invested in the OS over a lot of years and its a good fit for me.

all bits'n'pieces have arrived for the Carputer and all that remains is too hook it all together - stay tuned for the slide show ......


"old enough to know better - young enough to do it again"
Mapping for Mac G3 Powerbook?


It is a while since I've been able to stick with the 'true religion', due to cost - went to a purpose built dark tower about 2 years ago.
However I still have a couple of G3 Powerbooks. I don't spose there is anything in the way of mapping that will run on them. ( Gotta ask, a fine platform and still use for office programs)
I'm planning to of sorts. I've bought a Dell Mini 9 that I'm going to use for trips. It'll run Oziexplorer for navigation and in conjunction with a USB DVD burner and my 160gb iPod it'll give me a way to back up my dSLR photos on long trips. Also provides a DVD player for entertainment on rainy days and with mobile broadband a way to keep in touch and check directions etc.
Any progress on this plan Apsilon?
At 'screen inch per dollar' netbook machines are looking good.

ALSO: Is it 'blue tooth' compatible (e.g. for GPS) ?
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Which GPS are you using?
For real navigation we don't need so many of the 'features' of the proprietory systems.

Not many red light cameras, school zones and live accident reports outside the 'big 3' cities.
However, a larger screen and PC features come into their own for real route following, up-loading photos and way point, etc.
I think I have changed my mind again, may go your route, rather than hack a Navman to run Hema.

Hence my interest in your GPS, especially if it is blue tooth / wireless.
I'm using (or rather I plan to use) a USB mouse GPS from GlobalSAT (IIRC) and OziExplorer offroad with HEMA maps. On road I have an in dash GPS.

Re wireless vs wired GPS I decided to go wired as it was one less thing to keep charged on extended trips.
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'Wireless' = 'Blue tooth' ???

I am now thinking it would be easiest to do similar to Apsilon and use a netbook (looking at a 10" ACER for about $450:ebiggrin:)

Trying to work IF the Holux M1000 ($50 on e-bay) will connect to the Netbook.

Is 'Blue tooth' the same as WiFi???
I'm using (or rather I plan to use) a USB mouse GPS from GlobalSAT (IIRC) and OziExplorer offroad with HEMA maps. On road I have an in dash GPS.

Re wireless vs wired GPS I decided to go wireless as it was one less thing to keep charged on extended trips.

Good point about the benefits of USB apsilon!

Could have the inverter charging batteries 27-7 if I wasn't careful!:biggrin:

Got myself a birthday present :)- ASUS eee1000H (10" screen) for $459 and a Globalsat USB 'mouse' for $65.

Now it is just a matter of loading maps and we will be off and tracking! :biggrin:
Just realised I said I went wireless above when I meant wired. You obviously knew what I meant though.

Happy birthday :)
Just realised I said I went wireless above when I meant wired. You obviously knew what I meant though.

Happy birthday :)

Yeah, figured what you meant, confirmed it by googling the GPS name.
Might be worth editing your previous post to stop confusion for others reading the thread from scratch in future - if you haven't already done so.
Old fart

Ok gents i need some education on this topic :) what are we talking about? As this sounds like some thing i could get into, are we talking about installing a computer into our car so we can up/down load data and read our position real time? am i on the right track?

That's the thing Rod!
Apsilon and I are both using netbooks. Others, e.g. Eden, use a touch screen and a separate computer. They are what are known as 'eee'pc' machines, which have fairly efficient battery life.
GPS is via a seperate receiver, either USB (wired) or wifi / bluetooth (no wires). [Apologies if I'm being too basic, but am assuming that some who read this won't understand the jargon.]
In addition to reading maps you can use to up-load photos / do other computer stuff where you can get wifi access. E.g. I can take mine into Macas or other places with free wifi access, because it is portable. :p (Guess the in car computers require to sit in the car park / at the kerb.:raspberry:)
Whatever, heaps more versatile than a dedicated GPS and with bigger screens - Apsilon 9", me 10", Eden 14".
Hope that helps.
Have a look at my #2 post in the What do I need?? thread, where I have set out the pros and cons which led to my decision.
Having said all of the above, I am a total noob at this - knew damn all 2 weeks ago - but have had lots of advice and support from the friendly crewq on this forum :), especially eden and apsilon.
Hopefully in a weeks time I'll be able to report in 'on the road' and let you know how it is working out in practice.;)
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Old Fart

Ok sounds great, I'll skulk here for awhile and learn. I'm a Mac nut too, shame shame shame as Darren would say :ebiggrin: Touch screen sound very interesting.


I have a Toshiba Libretto that I have used for many years for chart plotting on my yacht. At first I ran C-Map program using a handheld Garmin for input. I later bought a Garmin Active antenna that feeds a signal to my Radar, VHF Radio, Toshiba Laptop and the Libretto.
The laptop sits on the chart table and the Libretto is in the cockpit.
The Libretto is the size of a VHS video tape. You ca often find them listed on Ebay.

Only problem is the connections are Serial and modern computers seem to have done away with these. Also operating system is Windows 95. Also the charts are marine charts. I would love to know where I can get land based charts and a program that runs on Windows 95.

