That's the thing Rod!
Apsilon and I are both using netbooks. Others, e.g. Eden, use a touch screen and a separate computer. They are what are known as 'eee'pc' machines, which have fairly efficient battery life.
GPS is via a seperate receiver, either USB (wired) or wifi / bluetooth (no wires). [
Apologies if I'm being too basic, but am assuming that some who read this won't understand the jargon.]
In addition to reading maps you can use to up-load photos / do other computer stuff where you can get wifi access. E.g. I can take mine into Macas or other places with free wifi access, because it is portable.

(Guess the in car computers require to sit in the car park / at the kerb.

Whatever, heaps more versatile than a dedicated GPS and with bigger screens - Apsilon 9", me 10", Eden 14".
Hope that helps.
Have a look at my #2 post in the
What do I need?? thread, where I have set out the pros and cons which led to my decision.
Having said all of the above, I am a total noob at this - knew damn all 2 weeks ago - but have had lots of advice and support from the friendly crewq on this forum

, especially eden and apsilon.
Hopefully in a weeks time I'll be able to report in 'on the road' and let you know how it is working out in practice.