I couldn't do 34 psi, I was at 32, aiming to 34 it when I can, but during a rot/balance, the guy was very keen on setting them to 31/30 front/back for my car, everyone around this part of the world is keen on these psi ranges, Im tired of challenging them so it's 31/30 for me from now on, in a way it's good, as my biggest complaint about the car is suspensions, they are too stiff and not very absorbant in my opinion, so adding a bit of absorbing capability to tire's isn't that bad, I even removed the front sway bars to smooth things, so under inflated tire's are along my alley, interestingly, I don't notice much change either way, with both modifications
The tire's hoard an awful amount of small gravels, which cause noise, and potentially damage others when you speed up and let them go
All in all, I love the tire's, they deliver on their promise of being an all-terrain, all-season tire, haven't tried snow yet, but at moderate speeds, on rain, offroad, beautiful tires