@Rally: a US quarts is very roughly, approximately, a litre.
Good advice from Duncan. How many miles on the clock?
Does the oil change colour fairly quickly? i.e. start to go orange/brown fairly quickly? Say, within 500-1000 kms.
Wipe the inside of your tailpipe with your finger (watch out for sharp edges!). Is the residue 1) oily, 2) smell of burnt oil?
Get someone else to drive while you follow. Under moderately hard acceleration, does it blow smoke? At a steady speed? If so, what colour is the smoke in each case?
Even new, 5W-30 FS is a bit thin for here in Oz, IMNSHO. I run 5W-40 FS Shell Helix Ultra in both ours, and they are both under 120K kms. Neither uses any noticeable amount of oil between changes - 12,000 kms or 24 months ...
Perhaps avoid anything as heavy as 15W-40 at first, specially coming into winter! Look for the things Duncan has suggested. I would give 10W-40 FS a go first up. Check your oil when cold at least once a week. Keep a record of the usage!