Kurrajong Trip 16/17 May (with optional camp)

ok! whos planning on an overnighter? thinking about planning dinner :ebiggrin:
At the moment it looks like me (Mr Turbo), Hux, & yourself, with apsilon as a possible overnighter. :)

Mr Turbo

Thanks for the organisation guys

As mentioned I have stock Forester - road tyres and no bash plate etc - Also wife and toddler in tow - would this trip be biting more than I can chew ?


if everyone can confirm, we'll organize something. does everyone like bbq lamb?
Mmmmmmmmmm, yummmm......so in a word yes :newmulti: :bananatoast: :newmulti:

As mentioned I have stock Forester - road tyres and no bash plate etc - Also wife and toddler in tow - would this trip be biting more than I can chew ?
I don't think there will be any problems with a stock Forry. There are a few tricky bits to contend with but nothing major, so as long as you (we) take it easy on those bits it'll be fine. :)

Mr Turbo
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If we're going to do some roasts then I may have to try harder to stay for the camp (so that'd be a yes to the do we like bbq lamb question).
Tyres - Legal


Thanks for the replies - The tyres are legal - but not new - Ita a manual non turbo Forester - No not lowered

I will bring my CB - dont really have any recovery gear yet but will have few straps and if the going gets too tough I suppose I could turn around

I think you'll be fine. I did several trips with this lot and alone in my MY06 which was stock other than a bash plate and even that saw it's biggest hit on road rather than off. You will appreciate better tyres when it comes time to upgrade. Even the Yoko H/T that I went to were so much better than stock, especially on gravel.

UHF CB is a very good idea (I'll finally get to use my in car rather than handheld. Yay!) if you have one.

There'll be enough recovery gear in the party so that's not a worry. Has there even been any trips where the recovery gear was used other than Stockton beach?

Go slow and if you're not comfortable ask for guidance. As you said you can always go back.

I'm leaning more towards staying overnight now BTW. I'll decide over this coming weekend.

Great Thanks

will await meetup times and places - I live in Kellyville
I think you'll be fine.
There'll be enough recovery gear in the party so that's not a worry.
Yes mate you'll be fine. :) I'll have plenty of recovery gear with me if something happens though. :iconwink:

Has there even been any trips where the recovery gear was used other than Stockton beach?
Yes there was.
There was one trip that we went on where we had to recover a certain Hi Lux :lol: :lol:
Ahhhh the memories. :ebiggrin:

Mr Turbo
I just got some bad news regarding the trip to Kurrajong &
I'm not :censored: happy :furious::furious::furious:

NPWS have decided in all their wisdom to close the Burralow Camp Site for the next 2x weeks.
Burralow Creek camping ground

Burralow Picnic and Camping Area and all precinct access trails will be CLOSED for the next two weeks! (commencing Monday 11 May to Monday 25 May 2009);

- The closure affects all vehicular, pedestrian, horseback, bicycle and public access (other than authorised contractors and NPWS personnel). This temporary closure incorporates the Paterson Range Fire Trail, the Burralow Fire Trail, the Tabaraga Ridge Fire Trail as well as the Burralow Picnic and Camping Area.

Following completion of the fire trail maintenance project Burralow Picnic and Camping Area will then be re-opened (Monday 25 May 2009).

Now we have to decide on whether the trip will go ahead as a day trip only on either the Saturday or the Sunday. Or do we postpone it for a couple of weeks. :shrug:
I will leave this up to you guys.

I am, however, still happy to run the trip on this w-end, but as a day trip only. :biggrin:
Unless someone knows of a place that we camp thats close by. :) That way we could still have it as an (optional) overnighter.

Mr Turbo
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I went and checked out Burralow last friday. Tabaraga Ridge fire trail (the one on the Kurrajong Heights end) was still closed but Patterson range (from Bilpin) was open (it was supposed to close again on 27th April) so we might have to just check it out on the day.

No doubt the treck will include going along Mountain Lagoon Road? then there's always Wheeney Creek to camp at or on Upper Colo Road. Just some suggestions anyways.

Cheers Hux
I'm happy to do it as a day trip as I'm still not sure I can make the camp anyway. I'm also not available for 3, maybe 4 weeks after that weekend but whatever suits the most people.
.... but Patterson range (from Bilpin) was open (it was supposed to close again on 27th April) so we might have to just check it out on the day.
I did take note of that when I did the reccie, & after chatting with the NPWS Ranger who I ran into along the way, I wasn't too worried about the sign that had been put up.
As you say, might just check it out on the day.
If it is closed then we can always go to plan B. :)

No doubt the treck will include going along Mountain Lagoon Road? then there's always Wheeney Creek to camp at or on Upper Colo Road. Just some suggestions anyways.
It sure does include Mountain Lagoon Rd/Fire Trail :ebiggrin:
Wheeney Creek & Upper Colo Rd are nice & close so that might be the go (if the worst comes worst).

Thanks Hux great suggestions :biggrin:

I'm happy with the above ideas, so how does everyone else feel ?

Mr Turbo