Trip to Tasmania

I have an, as yet unfitted, light bar of the type yourself and RB possess. For my night illumination I use three round Narva driving lights, 1X100 watt centre of road and 2X 55 watt offset to sides of road. I replaced the original 100 watt bulbs in the 2 smaller lights with 55 watt bulbs because of both the sign glare problem and not really wanting a long distance view to the road side but mainly spread. I found that using a 130 watt bulb in the centre light just led to many burnt out bulbs, probably too much heat, with little advantage in illumination.
This system works adequately for my needs when coupled with the 120% plus Narva headlights. There seems to be no noticeable, nor ever was, any overloading of the alternator, which is now coming up to 14 years old and 340000 kms.
The bar WILL be fitted when I return from the trip in May. Should be more than enough light then and I probably won`t need all the driving lights.
Gidday PS and Ate

This is for sure Ratbag from my one and only one experience.

Thanks for that. I was so completely focused on ensuring that I didn't roast the eyeballs of any possibly on-coming motorist, that I could not really judge that. Good to know.

I have an, as yet unfitted, light bar of the type yourself and RB possess. For my night illumination I use three round Narva driving lights, 1X100 watt centre of road and 2X 55 watt offset to sides of road. I replaced the original 100 watt bulbs in the 2 smaller lights with 55 watt bulbs because of both the sign glare problem and not really wanting a long distance view to the road side but mainly spread. I found that using a 130 watt bulb in the centre light just led to many burnt out bulbs, probably too much heat, with little advantage in illumination.
This system works adequately for my needs when coupled with the 120% plus Narva headlights. There seems to be no noticeable, nor ever was, any overloading of the alternator, which is now coming up to 14 years old and 340000 kms.
The bar WILL be fitted when I return from the trip in May. Should be more than enough light then and I probably won`t need all the driving lights.

Also worth knowing, Ate. I once flattened the battery with a 100W driving light (and tiny generator ... ) between St George and Cunnamulla - about halfway between ... :(.

Most (all?) States now require the fitting of auxiliary lights in pairs. Or one lightbar.

You most certainly will not need the two wide beam ones to the sides!
Yeah my set up is bureaucratically illegal but as long as I can see at night I really don`t give a st**f.
Making laws like that is absolutely stupid but it employs, not gainfully, a public servant.
Some states allow uneven numbers of spotlights, as long as they are mounted symmetrically about the middle axis.
^^ yeah from what I've been reading most states are moving the laws about to take care of the LED light bar issue.
a single light bar may be interpreted as a "single light" or they may count the individual chips, which some are in odd numbers.

it's currently a very grey area that is hard to enforce but also hard to argue against until the rules are sorted out.

.... I still maintain my fog lights on 100% of the time for safety reasons.
the law is still ambiguous here in Tassie. "reduced visibility" is the key wording that's open to interpretation.