Thanks, Kevin. Will look into it when I get a tablet that works properly ...

Thanks also to all for your offers of help and thoughts on the subject.
The facts:
Car threw a CEL code when SWMBO was driving it.
I got there. Turned the ignition on - CEL showed; turned it off and on again - CEL vanished.
She drove down the road about 100 m and it came back on again.
We swapped cars, and I drove home.
Cleaned around the fuel filler cap seal.
Reset the ECU following Kevin's procedure (see sticky ... ). Ross told me this morning NOT to do this, as it clears away the code history!
The engine was idling roughly, as it had been since I swapped with SWMBO yesterday. Also not running as smoothly as usual. I gave it a few good squirts in Sports mode ...
Went to Ross this morning. Filled up on the way (about 5 kms from servo to Ross). CEL still on. Parked in his car park.
Drove it around to where he could scan it. CEL still on.
He plugged in his pro Scangauge tool. CEL vanished, with no history at all!
When he re-started the car, the battery failed ...
$145 for a new Bosch battery, fitted.
No charge for the scan. He told me that he will always scan the cars for me, anytime, without charging $70-100 stealership prices - he pronounced this word "dealership", but I knew what he meant ... :iconwink:.
We agreed that a portable scan tool was as necessary for modern cars as a shifting spanner was in the olden days, but could not replace a workshop tool.
He asked if I ever put Ethanol fuel in it. Answer "No". He said that there is nothing wrong with ethanol, just that it mixes chemically with the water in the garage fuel tank, and that water has all sorts of garbage in it that clogs up fuel filters, injectors, etc ... .
He said that Shell has stopped selling ethanol fuels for this reason.
As for the CEL. Perhaps it was a combination of dirty fuel blocking something momentarily; a cactus battery; random misfires occurring as a combination of the two?
Why no codes or history on the scan tool (pro Scangauge)? Who knows? Baffled Ross too.
I can report that since filling the car and fitting the new battery, the engine is running and idling far smoother than it was yesterday and this morning.
Pumping the tyres up from 29 psi to 36 psi hasn't hurt anything, either ...
