Unbelievable! Zero tolerance speed limit in NZ

Despite all the opinions about driving styles here, is there anyone who doesn't think these tight limits are a money grab?

I guess not!

(I was going to try and split this thread into it's various topics - but it made my head hurt so I gave up)
^ & ^^ These are a "nice little earner" in Victoria. About $1Bn p.a., give or take a bit ...

Considering that if a pedestrian is jaywalking, with earplugs and texting, and they are hit by a motorist, guess who is most likely to be prosecuted? No prizes ...

And all these incidents go into the road deaths and injuries statistics, regardless of cause or blame. Same goes for cyclists who are killed or injured.
By necessary implication, this then becomes part of the statistics used as "evidence" in advertising about "safety measures" taken against drivers ...

A little bit of truth in advertising would go a long way, IMNSHO.

Don't get me wrong. I am in favour of sensible laws and sensible enforcement of them.
No, my foz isn't fly by wire. It was built in may 2002 and is a very early SG5. It has a throttle cable.
RB, A little bit of truth DOES go a loooooong way in advertising.
That is all that is needed, just a smidgin of truth and it can be made into anything.
And usually is.
Gidday Kevin

I guess not!

Not a lot of supporters for what is a fundamentally flawed system, I guess ...

I was going to try and split this thread into it's various topics - but it made my head hurt so I gave up

Nah, mate. Save yourself both the trouble and a headache ... :poke: :biggrin: :lol:.

People (self included) need somewhere to b!tch about this sort of behaviour on the part of governments. Far better outlet than us throwing bombs at each other, or engaging in otherwise unacceptable behaviour!

I grew up in Queensland, where doing 61 mph in a 60 mph zone automatically attracted a dangerous driving charge, as well as a speeding charge. This is regardless of the vehicle, and its capabilities, tyres, driver competence, etc, etc (e.g. E-Type Jag in perfect condition in every respect; driver stone cold sober and not tired; driver also holder of a racing licence).

However, doing 60 mph in an almost, but not quite, defectible FJ Holden was automatically deemed safe.

Is it any wonder that I have little respect for the way these laws are legislated and enforced?

I don't think I'm an orphan in this regard ... :iconwink:.