Driving across Australia, What supplies/spare parts ?

Gidday Id

I just drilled a hole in the bonnet hinge (there's a fit at the edge of the windscreen that holds a trim plug) since the z bracket i had just spent a year grinding away the edge of my bonnet.

Does it hold the aerial steady?

Is it the minimum specified distance of 18" from anything metal (e.g. the side of the windscreen frame)?

Got a photo?

Sounds less complicated than the bracket I am planning to make.
Hmm, I think I'll wait for stilson to make me a 'Roo bar and mount it on there
I'll be mounting the antennas for the cb's on my sidesteps good idea? Bad idea?
I wouldn't.
Somewhere higher would be better.
As others have said & I'll agree on a bull bar or a Z Bracket on the bonnet would be better.

Hmm, I think I'll wait for stilson to make me a 'Roo bar and mount it on there
Sounds like a plan :)

Mr Turbo

Yes its steady, the z bracket wasn't in anyway. Clearance no idea but probably, I've tested it to 10~ kms Los without problems.

Bull bar mount should be good twinklz, I'd like to see how I turns out
I've been looking for an Arab steel bar to retrofit to my SF.
I'm pretty excited to see stilsons drawings/designs