TR: *Pics warning!* Walhalla APRIL 2014

Here are some of the more interesting vids from Fultons Creek Track. The last one is where I lost grip & had to back down for a 2nd go

[ame=""]Subaru Forester on Fultons Creek Track 03 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Subaru Forester on Fultons Creek Track 04 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Subaru Forester on Fultons Creek Track 05 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Subaru Forester on Fultons Creek Track 06 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Subaru Forester on Fultons Creek Track 07 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Subaru Forester on Fultons Creek Track 08 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Subaru Forester on Fultons Creek Track 09 - YouTube[/ame]
here are those switchbacks on Trig Track.

A hard section below with a few switchbacks:
[ame=""]Subaru Forester on the Switchbacks, Trig Track 02 - YouTube[/ame]

The very hard section above the switchbacks:
[ame=""]Subaru Forester on the Switchbacks, Trig Track 03 - YouTube[/ame]

The other side of the valley. Look for the falling rock on the left that just misses me :eek:
[ame=""]Subaru Forester on Trig Track 04, Rock Misses Car - YouTube[/ame]
You seem to loose some grip, is it due to the mud tires or the stiff suspension ?
You seem to loose some grip, is it due to the mud tires or the stiff suspension ?

The muddies grab better but the stiff suspension reduces grip (still a good compromise though). The biggest issue was the loose surface & the steep slope. As always, its hard to tell from in car vids, but these tracks are seriously steep. Momentum was needed to make it through the rough sections & to keep the revs up.

On a few of them, I had to keep dipping the clutch to keep the revs up as the car speed was too low. There was one stage near the top of the switchbacks on Trig Tr where my left foot was constantly shifting between the clutch as I was about to stall & the brake as I lifted a wheel & the engine raced.

I found the rear pLSD was working well but the open front diff was letting me down. As the front is a solid link to the gearbox, its the one that gets immediate power, the rear really only gets much power when there is a speed difference between the front & rear diffs to heat up the centre diff. As a result, my almost new muddies copped a flogging on the front with lots of deep cuts & chunks missing, while the rears held up well. This is also partly due to the rear pLSD limiting wheel spin
2 sections of Flats Tr. The first was an alternative start that wasnt used much & the path I took ended just above where I stopped. This was by far the hardest bit of track we did the whole trip

[ame=""]Subaru Forester on Flats Track 01 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Subaru Forester on Flats Track 02 - YouTube[/ame]

Having fun in the Thompson River at Bruntons Bridge:

[ame=""]Subaru Forester on the Thompson River at Bruntons Bridge, Walhalla 01 - YouTube[/ame]

More fun in Coopers Creek:

[ame=""]Subaru Forester in Coopers Creek Crossing, Walhalla 02 - YouTube[/ame]