Site Slowdown?


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2008
Sunshine Coast - Australia
Car Year
Car Model
Honda ZR-V VTi-L 1.5 Turbo
has anybody else noticed a slow down in the site loading etc. since the upgrade to vBulletin was completed or is it just my browser?

To me, it is painfully slow to what it used to be and when compared to other Forums that I visit.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
.... Is it the site or is it your connection in general? Our Internet in bris has been very ordinary for months. I find this particular site mostly pretty good now

Best regards
Alright here too - perhaps clear your cache and see how it goes
It's been ok here too. I have though, on the very odd occasion, had it go slow, but I've put that down to my model playing up.

Mr Turbo
Just installed Google Chrome and it is still slooow!
Weird how this is the only site that is slooow to load for me. :cry:
Gidday Kevin

I have had 2 "Out of memory" errors in the last week. Very often slow on laptop. Desktop, and Batphone. Slower than the Yokohama web site ... :(.

From my Batphone
I run both on landline when home and wireless elsewhere and have no issues. There was an instruction to clear cache after the upgrade; has everyone done this?
I run both on landline when home and wireless elsewhere and have no issues. There was an instruction to clear cache after the upgrade; has everyone done this?

Hi Kevin,

I have purged the cache in IE - FF and Chrome and I have run CCleaner.

Chrome was a completely fresh installation as I have never used it before, still the same 8 - 10 second response lag compared with 2 - 3 for all other websites and forums.

I have even removed Firefox and everything associated (registry included) with it from my PC, re-installed it and run it in Safe Mode and the site still lags, I am totally lost at this stage for answers. :sad:
go to and see if your ISP is delivering what you are paying for...also try using different DNS servers such as or similar...disable your anti-virus product TEMPORARILY and see if that may be the bottleneck...
go to and see if your ISP is delivering what you are paying for...also try using different DNS servers such as or similar...disable your anti-virus product TEMPORARILY and see if that may be the bottleneck...

twowings, if you go back through the thread this is the only site I have a slow down on, every other site works fine.

I'm on an Internode ADSL 2 Reach 60 plan.


Broadband Speed Test Results

Test run on 07/05/2014 @ 10:01 PM
Mirror: Internode
Data: 8 MB
Test Time: 10 secs
Your line speed is 6.65 Mbps (6652 kbps).
Your download speed is 832 KB/s (0.81 MB/s).
Hmm - that's slow even compared to my wireless broadband:
Data: 36 MB
Test Time: 10 secs
Your line speed is 30.05 Mbps (30054 kbps).
Your download speed is 3.67 MB/s (3757 KB/s).
I agree that your evidence seems to suggest the site might be the weak link BUT many of us are not having the same problem despite varying OSs, ISPs, network cards, etc. BUT it could be the hops your packets have to maKe to get here....doing a traceroute (assuming you use Mr. Gates' software) or similar utility could show you the bottleneck...

I'm on AT&T U-verse base plan and I get 14-18Mbps line speed routinely and I'm quite sure wherever the host server of this site resides, it must be as far from Oz as a boy can get.....HTH
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Gidday Peter

Seems to me that you are paying Internode for ADSL2 speeds and are getting ADSL1 speeds ... :( . Switch to Iinet or Telstra (Optus is incredibly flakey, and even more devious than Internode, IME ... ).

I have Cable 3.0 from Telstra, and my measured download speed is 110 Mbps. There isn't a site in the world that seems able to serve data at this speed, not even Microsoft's servers - they will for about 60 seconds Approx. the first 100 MB ... ), then the server throttles the port back to about 1/8 to 1/4 this speed :(.

My upload speed is about 2.6 Mbps, but this is throttled by the ISP.

However, I also experience slow down on ORS site on all of my computers (desktop, laptop and Blackberry) from time to time. The PC and laptop are both running XP Pro and mainly IE8 and Opera.

In the last two weeks, I have had the site give me two "Out of memory" errors. This is a web server error, not a local PC error message.