Sealing the Cabin from Water Ingress

Did you get where the fm aerial comes in from the quarter panel, the plug holding the coax in place has a big slit in it. Water would need to be almost above the bonnet to get in though, the joys of first gen SF ! Nice work
Wouldn't the play doh dry up and skrink?
Wouldn't the play doh dry up and skrink?

I only need to play with it once lol :raz::rotfl:

Seriously, it was just there to stop the silicone from getting into the white parts of the trim tabs so it wouldnt glue them together. Once the silicone is cured, I should be able to remove the trim if needed, leaving the white bits behind still glued (& sealed) to the sills :biggrin:
You guys are mental!
I hope I never have to work on your cars. Would have to spend count less hours cutting away silicon panels to get to parts. ..