Haven't seen this issue here...

Well it has been solved. Took the car to Firestone #1 they said the rear bolts were frozen and they would have use a torch, ruining the bushing etc, but "we do this all the time". I took the car home.

Months later went to a friends heated garage to replace the rack and front end links. Took the car to Firestone #2, they gave it back to me aligned (!). I didnt ask what they did or how.

Left rear camber -1.1 degrees, Toe 0.39 degrees
Right r camber -0.3 Toe 0.35

Spec Camber 0.6--0.9 Toe -0.13-0.00

Left rear Camber -0.9 Toe -0.06
Right r -0.2 Toe -0.11

The car is no longer terrifying.

That's really good to hear, Nipper :biggrin: :cool:.

Seems that everyone who replied was on the money. Our terrific little Subies are VERY sensitive to having ALL the wheels aligned properly within spec (and pointing in the same direction!).

I once drove my '68 LWB LC for over a year with the front wheels about 1 1/8th inches out of alignment. Didn't really have any effect at all. Not on handling; not on tyre wear. Then again, it probably flexed that much in normal use ... :iconwink: :rotfl:.