Testing the new snorkel pipework – Wombat state forest


Can't wait to hook up a trip out there with you (or Cobaws) - just flat out for some time :(



Yeah have to do a trip sometime soon. Im also flat out at the minute with last little bit of final year uni. Will have more time from the 1st of November :ebiggrin: (only exams to deal with after then)
Hey Dedman

Would love to catch up for another day of driving soon, watching these vids is making me itch to do some more. How's the winch holding up? Have you checked it for water intake after bogholes like these? One of the biggest causes of winch failure is water getting into the motor and rusting it up, and although your winch is a great source of peace of mind, you want to know that it's not going to conk out on you when you need it most...
Cheers Mate. Yeah we will have to go out again sometime soon. I am thinking maybe the weekend of the 2nd of November just for a day trip somewhere, (all I have time for)

I havent checked the winch as such as its the biggest PITA to get to but I did winch myself up a hill with the brakes on afterwards to hopefully dry any water in there out.
I'd love to do 2nd of November but I've been roped into working. We'll have to work something out later in the year / early next year.

Depending on how good the winch is it should actually have a set of drainage plugs so that it doesn't hold water anyway. But yeah if it doesn't probably just pull it off the next time you feel like getting really frustrated with something haha.
I decided to go out and have a little fun the other day;

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Amo0kpRkLIA"]Subaru Off-road - Nov 2013 Wombat Mud - YouTube[/ame]

That one went alright because I started in the ruts and each forwards and backwards movement cleared some of the sticky my away so eventually I could get through.

However a later bog where I wasnt filming was a different story. I tried to straddle the ruts and ended up slipping into them so the whole car fell on to the sicky mud. Instantly stuck with no hope of driving out....


Winch worked perfectly despite being partially under water and the control box terminals being fully under water and had me out in no time at all but not before some water got in....



I am amazed how quickly it came in despite all my efforts to seal the car up. Ah well all in the fun of it. I can remove my sound deading layer of carpet from under the main carpet and dry it outside the car so the clean up wasn't a big deal. Almost completely dry the next day.

Still need to work out where the water coming in though. Looked to be mostly through the door seals but it could just be through the holes in the bottoms of the doors and through holes in the doors and run down the inside of the door trim to the bottom so it looks like it was coming in through the seals. There was a 30ish second delay before it started coming in so Im thinking that might be the time for the doors to fill up....
Nice vid...if at first you dont succeed, try, try again :iconwink:

Bugger bout the water getting in...I wonder if you need new door seals, I cant see how the water would get inside the door to fill up the interior

EDIT: just checked mine...it could flow in through the drainage channels (ironic) then out through the trim. Not sure how to stop this :shrug:
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Yeah there are lots of holes in the doors both for drainage and for trim clips that can let water in. Once in the door only has to fill up 5-10cm before it reaches the first hole to the inside :shake:

There are also ways for water to come up the rails and come inside as there was plenty of water draining out there still when I hosed it out. I have tired to seal them up before as well but clearly not enough....