A new friend.

Gidday All

The taxonomy of birds is in turmoil ATM, and has been for about 25 years.

Same goes for plants. Here in Oz, for just a couple of examples, the Corymbias (flowering gums) and Angophoras (smooth barked apple gums) have both been removed from the Eucalypt family.

DNA technology is making quite a mess of the taxonomy of Linnaeus that has been used for some centuries.

Maybe we (humanity ... ) will get things right eventually - IF we survive long enough :rolleyes: :sad: :shrug: ...
There are 3 birds that mainly come and see me. The ones in the pic. Sometimes the others come but these 3 are fairly regular. They make me smile:ebiggrin:
The adults feed of my hand and if you try to give them a little scratch they just give you a little nip...it doesn't hurt...just like a dog does when it's not really biting, but today the young one got on my hand and wasn't sure what was what and had a go at the apple AND my fingers....ouch!!
I have finally convinced my front neighbours,my landlords...I live at the back of the property in a good sized flat...not to feed the birds bread and they have now started buying some seed for them....YES!!!
I feed the a bit of apple or pear in the mornings only.
I never get sick of the little critters but they are not what I would called house trained...bit messy.
This one is not in my backyard but I see him/her quite a few times in the same tree. Last time there were a pair but the other must have been out hunting.
looking forward to getting a new camera next year so I can get better pics.
I think it is a White Belly Sea Eagle or White Breasted Sea Eagle might be more correct.
Look great on the wing.

Took this from my boat so it was a bit wobbly.
Gidday Silver

What a beautiful bird. I have only seen one or two of these in my life.

When you are looking for a new camera, get something that's guaranteed water/dust proof. Maybe you need to think about image stabilisation for shooting from your boat.

You also need to think about getting the best lens for it that you can afford. Sometimes you can get an excellent lens s/h for the same price as a new crappy one. I have bought several of my lenses this way.

Keep me in mind when you start looking seriously, as I have quite a bit of experience in this area, and may be able to help you choose. Several other members are professional photographers too - Tannin and Athos spring to mind. Among the lot of us, we should be able to suggest something that will suit your photographic needs, at a price you can afford to pay.
Well Ratbag...the beauty of living where I do. There are lots of these fellows around here...I was fishing with a fellow at Nelsons Beach a couple of months ago and he had kept a tailor he caught and two of these critters were circling a distance off and gradually got closer. When they were in range he whistled to them and threw the fish on the sand and one swooped down and took the fish. It was great to see. The other one perched in a tree and watched us..we got a small salmon and threw it on the beach and it came and got it...with some effort, but it did manage.
As far as cameras go I'm not getting into the fancy stuff...just a better one. It needs to fit my lifestyle AND my ability:ebiggrin:
The camera I use at the moment I have had for years...it's just an Olympus compact but was one of the better ones when I first bought it. 7.1 mp should give you an idea how long I have had it.
I will probably just get another Olympus but a TG2 and hope they upgrade the sensor to a CMOS one. There should be an update about March as I understand it.
Waterproof,shockproof...that's for me:ebiggrin:
G'day again Silver

I don't think that the TG2 has a long enough zoom to replace the super zoom camera you already have.

I'm thinking of getting my SWMBO a TG2 for use when she is doing her artwork. If it gets clay and crap all over it, just wash it off under the tap ... :biggrin: :cool:.

You need either another superzoom P&S camera, or a weather/dust sealed interchangeable lens camera with similar reach (lens-wise). The latter will cost you a poultice more than the former, but give you far better images.

There are some very fine bits of kit available these days ... :).
Nice one Silver, yep its a Sea Eagle (white bellied sea eagle). A magnificent animal, Australias 2nd biggest eagle behind the wedge tailed eagle. We also have the much smaller Osprey which the sea eagle will sometimes predate on :( But fish is their main diet. You're lucky to watch one swoop, would be great to see :biggrin:

I've even seen a sea eagle on the Snowy R near McKillops Bridge...that a long way from the sea!
As far as cameras go I might have to change my mind. I was talking to a mate of mine and he has pretty much convinced me to get a camera with an optical zoom and not just a digital zoom like the TG2.
When I think about it I have had my present camera for years with no trouble re water etc so I will go for picture quality.
I don't want lenses, out of my price range. I also want something that is SIMPLE to use...that is a must for me. I don't want to have to think about anything. Point and shoot...that's it.Also..preferably put together in Japan.
I will need something that is easy to carry,up to date sensors (I understand I will need a CMOS sensor) from a good brand. It seems I have lots of brands to choose from and it appears Sony is making good stuff these days but my mate tells me their after sales service is really woeful.
Price range would be up to $500RRP.
I have been reading some reviews on cnet etc and will use these as a bit of a guide.
Won't be doing it till earlier next year and I will call into a couple of camera shops and see what I can find out.
Gidday Silver

Maybe check out a Panasonic FZ200?


It has a lot going for it.

Don't worry about the CMOS sensor. You would be hard pushed to find a camera without one these days, FWIW ...

All of this stuff is made in China these days. Only the very top of the top shelf stuff is still made in Japan.
G'day again Silver

I use Olympus digital SLRs. Excellent cameras, with excellent image quality.

The Pens are very nice cameras, specially the OM-D E-M5 and E-M1. However, you are talking a whole different league in terms of lenses, and money.

The FZ200 has a decent sized sensor (2/3"), a constant f/2.8 superzoom lens designed by Leica (optical zoom, not digital zoom), and is an "all in one" package.

The Olympus is an interchangeable lens camera. It comes standard with a fairly slow (optically) kit zoom lens that has excellent optical quality but a very limited zoom range. In order to get out there, you will have to fork out some serious shekels for a decent zoom. The new f/2.8 40-150 Pro gives you an effective reach of 80-300 mm, still only half that of the FZ200. It will also set you back around $1,400-1,500! That's just for the lens alone ...

If you were going to go down this path, then I would recommend the OM-D E-M1 with the kit f/2.8 12-40 Pro lens. That's another $2,400. This would leave you out of pocket around $4,000, or a little more with a spare battery, cards, etc. However, it is a fully weather/dust sealed kit with 5 axis image stabilisation and crackingly fast auto focus speeds.

See what I mean? Sort of makes the FZ200 look extremely good value. Of course the FZ200 isn't in the same league for build or optical quality, and it will not take photos that you can routinely print at A3 or A2 size. However, do you ever print photos at that size?

Many people become understandably confused by all this technical stuff, when what they really want is a decent superzoom camera that doesn't cost them a kidney (or two ... ).

Hope this is of some help to you.
EXACTLY....just been looking through reviews etc and my head is spinning. Seems there are plenty of good cameras out there but this would probably be in the range of what I want. I don't want to buy anything other than a camera. No lenses..no nothing.
I will check it out when I am in Sydney next week.
It has good reviews from every thing I read and is a good brand.
Silver check out the Canon Ixus 255hs. I am looking at updating to one these. 10 x optical zoom, 12 mega pixels and easy to use menu system.
The review seem to be good.
That reads ok also.
And the Sony DSC RX100. This looks good and the price is almost comparable to the lumix. I'll probably go to the upper end rather than lower. Just means I will delay the purchase.
Gidday Silver

I wouldn't even consider the Canon Ixus. Not in the same league.

The Sony RX100 is a very nice camera, and would almost certainly give better image quality than the Panasonic FZ200, but like the Pens, the zoom on it is very limited at only 100 mm in 35mm effective FL terms. This seriously limits its functionality for you. Having a better image that has the subject as a minute speck in the middle rather than a somewhat lesser (in absolute terms) images where the subject fills the frame is somewhat pointless for you IMNSHO.

The FZ200 is also shaped like a digital SLR. This makes it far easier to hold steady at longer focal lengths.

The RX100 does not have any kind of viewfinder, you need to go to the RX100 II for that. IMO, it is crucial for your use that you have some kind of viewfinder.

There is a comparison of specs here:


It seems to me that the FZ200 is probably best overall in terms of the images you have shown here already, and the lifestyle you enjoy, at a price that you are willing to consider.

What is the precise model of your current Olympus?
With this info in hand, I can more readily compare/contrast different cameras in comparison with its capabilities.
Ha!! I doubt you could find specs on my camera!! I've had it for so long it feels like part of the family. I bought it when I was in Innisfail but at the time it was over $400rrp...I didn't pay that as they had a trade in thing going and I had a discount voucher but I think you could get a $100 camera these days that would be better!!
It's an Olympus FE240. I'll add that it has never missed a beat, absolutely faultless.
As I know next to nothing about photography and very very little about cameras the reviews and advice from people will be listened too.
I agree about the Canon..i don't think it is what I am after. The FZ200 appears to be a good choice for what I am after...which is an above average camera that takes very good pics. I just hope the auto function works good!:)
I priced the FZ200 at my local HN store and he offered it to me for an anytime price of $599. He did not have one in stock as it is not a big store but can get one for me. It appears it has been out for about 10 months or so and could be due for an upgrade...working on the theory that they upgrade every year.
I won't be getting it for at least 3 months as I have some HN vouchers to collect from a couple of sites I do surveys on.
I reckon I would be happy with the FZ200 but as I saud I will go to a couple of dedicated camera stores and just see what they have to say and have a look at them.
Ha ha. You mean this one:


Nice camera for its day. Not in the league of the C-8080, perhaps, but nice, nonetheless ... It appears that Olympus are no longer active in this particular market.

But yes, I think that the FZ200 will comfortably outperform your FE240 in every way. Panasonic are a very good brand, and I have recommended their cameras to many a friend, and all have been happy with them.
Oh well...that wasn't too embarrassing!!
You THINK the FZ200 will outperform it?? I would hope it does!!:lol:
If anything else pops up let me know. Anything could happen in 3 months in technology these days. Thanks.