I think they are your stock standard Rainbow Lorikeet. That Wikipedia article is misleading as it attempts to dump all the lorikeet species together under the name "Rainbow Lorikeet" which they arent. They are all species of Lorikeet.
What they call Swainson's Lorikeet (a name I have never heard used) is the Rainbow Lorikeet, the others are separate species.
There are 5 species of Lorikeet in Melbourne (not sure bout other states) with the introduced Rainbow the most common & also the Musk Lorikeet. I've done many many rescues of rainbows, a few Musk & one Scaly Breasted.
One thing to watch out for is "beak & feather disease", a highly contagious disease (to all parrots species incl the pet budgie), there may also be some risk to pregnant women but not sure bout this.
The most notable feature is a severely distorted beak, also the feathers esp the flight feathers grow abnormally, being stunted with unusual colour patterns. If you find a Rainbow Lorikeet fluttering on the ground it will almost certainly have this & will need to be euthanised. Catch it in a hand towel or similar, put it in a small box (eg shoe box) & call your local wildlife group or transport it to a vet, pref one who you know is kind to animals & experienced in native animals (most vets dont have a clue bout anything native & will automatically euthanise instead of giving expensive & time consuming medical attention
BTW silver, great pics :biggrin: