Hows the Heat / Weather treating everyone ?


Jan 1, 2012
Bayside, Melbourne, Vic
Car Year
MY06, MY10
Car Model
Forester SG & SH
5MT/DR & 4EAT Sports
What have I done to our cars today? Flaming nothing ...

It's 41°C in the shade here right ATM :(!

I have spent some time in the pool preparing the substrate for repairs to a bit of tiling around the waterline. Some dear soul has made a tile glue that will even set underwater in a swimming pool with all those ghastly chemicals in it (even the water in salt chlorinated pools is pretty nasty stuff).

Made by Dunlop, called "Tile-all Plus". It is also a general purpose adhesive. It costs about $25 for a silicon gun tube (310 mls). Available at Bunnings. If it lives up to its advertising, it will stick like baby poo to a nappy!

Even the pool water is around 29°C ...
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I don't feel so bad about it being hot when everyone else is now getting it, it must be killing you guys down south who aren't used to it:lildevil:
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I don't feel so bad about it being hot when everyone else is now getting it, it must be killing you guys down south who aren't used to it:lildevil:

Not too bad in Sydney so far; Tuesday is the big one for us. We're not getting your humidity though :iconwink: (yet)
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^^Yes, by the looks of it, early next week it'll be our turn. Not something I'm looking forward to really :rolleyes:

Mr Turbo
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^^Lets just say it's a little warmer than average :cool: 41.8C (107F)
"Edit... temp peaked at 42.5C (108.5F) ...End Edit"

They're saying it'll still be about 35C (95F) at midnight :surprised:
A southerly change is expected in the early hours of tomorrow morning though (around 3am) which I can assure you will be a most welcome relief :iconwink:

So as to what I did to my Forry today, nothing, it's just too hot to do anything to it. I did check that it was still there & hadn't melted away though :lol:

Mr Turbo
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I've got some friends in alice springs that are laughing at sydney (its been 40~ there for 2 weeks or so) but they are also silly enough to live in alice.
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39.9 when I got home; now dropped to 38.2
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That's pretty flaming warm, folks!

It got up to 42.6°C here day before yesterday ... We have had cooler (26-28°C) but very humid yesterday and today. More bearable, but I can't handle the humidity very well. Never have been good at it, but worse as I get older. The artificial heart valve doesn't help either!

Sorry about your fan Kevin, but better to discover it on the way home from work than up the scrub somewhere, I guess.
^ yep, we'll take some of the snow as well :iconwink:
Currently 14C here (0916H).

Certainly a relief. We have more to come. February is typically our hottest month.

Still nowhere near the hottest recorded in Oz - 58.4C at Cloncurry, IIRC.

From my Batphone
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Started hosing the house around 3 pm yesterday (38C) just coz I became very paranoid when we started noticing the smell of smoke in my area.. my kids actually started packing up their things just in case.. Cooler in the Berra today at 28C max I believe.. still on very high alert!!
Take care Australia!!
Still nowhere near the hottest recorded in Oz - 58.4C at Cloncurry, IIRC.

People expect those extreme temps in the outback, but how about 46.7C (116F) in Melbourne! Combined with just 5% humidity & wind gusts over 160kmh (100mph), no wonder Black Saturday was so deadly :(:shake:

Lets hope the current fires are contained soon...
It's so hot today I am inside with the aircon on, I'll worry about the bill later :lol:
I am however concerned what it will be like when that heat wave continues up here, it will be so hot the road will probably ignite.:twisted:
Gidday NL

People expect those extreme temps in the outback, but how about 46.7C (116F) in Melbourne!

Ever since I moved to Adelaide about 40 years ago, then to Melbourne about 30 years ago, I have experienced these sorts of temperatures from time to time. During one of the major bushfires that regularly rip through SA and western NSW, the temperature in the Adelaide Hills topped 47°C.
The SE freeway was closed, and I had to hoof it via the back roads through the back of the Hills from Tea Tree Gully to Mt Barker. I had the piston and rings for my main pump in the passenger side wheel well at the time ...

I was sitting on around 160 kph with the oil pressure running at around 10 psi (normally 40-45 psi) ... and the temperature gauge just below boiling point. I prayed that the high capacity oil pump would protect the donk where a higher pressure/lower capacity one would have allowed it to seize ...

Got home (30 acres) and had the pump assembled and running in just over 20 minutes. May the gods of water pumps bless Moffatt-Virtue (1932 vintage) for the simplicity and ruggedness of their pumps. Took the same size piston and rings as a 24/80 Wolseley (3" bore, 3.5" stroke). Piston was cast iron, with a D21 Champion spark plug - check out the heat range of that plug!!

With water running through it, poly pipe will survive a grass fire. With no water running, it just melts. Almost all our pipes were above ground ...

I had the 200 gallon water tank full on the back of the LC, bolt cutters to deal with the fences and allow the stock to run, as the fires crested the hills about 2 kms away. Talk about nearly pooping myself! Just then, the wind direction changed, blowing the fires back on themselves.

Combined with just 5% humidity & wind gusts over 160kmh (100mph), no wonder Black Saturday was so deadly :(:shake:

Lets hope the current fires are contained soon...

Amen to that.

I have only had to help with a few home protections vis a vis bushfires, and that was quite enough for me, thanks.
It is well to be very wary of bushfires - like great white sharks, the ocean, the Universe, and a variety of other things ... They should all be treated with the utmost respect, IMHO.
They're saying it'll still be about 35C (95F) at midnight :surprised:
A southerly change is expected in the early hours of tomorrow morning though (around 3am) which I can assure you will be a most welcome relief :iconwink:
Well they weren't far off the mark. It was still 34.1C (93F) at midnight.

Thankfully the southerly came through as predicted about 2am, dropping the temps to a more acceptable level. Much to everyone's relief :)

Mr Turbo
They were just discussing this with BOM on ABC radio, apparently the highest official temp recorded in Australia is 50.7 at oonandatta in the 1960's. They claim this is the official standing as all high recorded temps could not be confirmed on reliable equipement. apparently 90% of equipement around australia become completely in accurate over 52 degrees, as the heat it's self effects the operation of the equipement.
That's almost certainly true for the BOM gear that one sees (or doesn't see, actually ... ) inside Stevenson Screens dotted around the countryside. They contain mechanical recording devices. Until the advent of computerised gear, these could never be mass produced accurately enough to be relied upon, and are still very much affected by siting and the external condition of the instrument shelter.

However, the inaccuracy of "official" instruments does not discount readings taken with far older technology - a calibrated mercury bulb thermometer. These were invented around 1742, are extremely accurate, and readings taken inside the pub at Cloncurry by such an instrument are at least as well buffered as the instruments inside a Stevenson Screen, if not more so ...

Also, the inaccuracy of official weather station instruments, maintenance and siting is but one reason why official figures can be misleading at best; and downright wrong at worst ...

This latter was actually given voice to by a CSIRO environmental scientist of some description on the ABC a couple of nights ago ... How refreshing!

Just FWIW ... :iconwink:
They were just discussing this with BOM on ABC radio, apparently the highest official temp recorded in Australia is 50.7 at oonandatta in the 1960's. They claim this is the official standing as all high recorded temps could not be confirmed on reliable equipement. apparently 90% of equipement around australia become completely in accurate over 52 degrees, as the heat it's self effects the operation of the equipement.

I used to work in central qld, I can tell you for certain that the 50.7 has been beaten on many occasion and mid to high 40's is fairly normal through the coal fields. You will not hear of these temperatures because it is mandatory for all work to cease at 50 degrees. Now lets just say that coal mines do not stop if it can be helped so all thermometers go missing at 46 degrees, how do I know, I was management. The worst part about anything above 40 degrees in a coal mine is the ground is usually black and we have taken readings where ground temp has been high 60's which then in turn heats up the soles of your boots. Plus I remember 7 years ago having Christmas lunch and the mercury hit 52.5. Needless to say it was hot