Gates Timing Belt TSB

I love the phase I EJ22, it's probably the most indestructible engine Subaru has ever built. It's very rare to have a head gasket problem on them and they are non-interference so if your timing belt snaps you don't blow up your engine you just buy another belt. They make pretty decent power too.


Current Subaru kit part number: TCKH304
Same Subaru kit with spacer tool included: TCKHT304
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I love the phase I EJ22, it's probably the most indestructible engine Subaru has ever built. It's very rare to have a head gasket problem on them and they are non-interference so if your timing belt snaps you don't blow up your engine you just buy another belt. They make pretty decent power too.

Apparently its non-interference up to '97. There's so much conflicting info about this though. I would love to put one in, I've heard they rev like an EJ20 but much more torque :lildevil:
I have to stop lurking and reply to this post. :)

I have swapped the motors in my 98 Forester and my 93 Liberty. I thought the bigger engine would be much better in the Foz, and I didn't think I'd hang on to the Lib for long. I have to say I was pretty disappointed in the performance of the Foz, but the Lib goes pretty hard.

I believe the issue is timing related. I have 'advanced' the cams a tooth and it has made it much better, but it's still not as good as I think it can be. Fuel economy could be better too. The next thing to try is some offset keys to further tweak the timing.

Foresters got the Phases II motors mid '98. I have had both early and late '98 Foresters.
Interesting observations about changing the Forester over to the 2.2L donk, Point.

I think that it really needs to go to the >2005 2.5L to make a real difference. Then it makes a BIG difference ...

Search the forum for "variable valve lift", for some thoughts by me about all this.