Engine sound paranoia

Anbody? ANy response ? Whoever has same engine fb25 does your car saounds the same?
I don’t have the FB25 motor but I can't hear much wrong on the video.

The next step I would try is drop of the serpentine belt (after you have warmed up the car and then spin each of the pullies and see if any of them have any play or are sticky/noisy.

Other than that you will probably have to let the sound develop more (if it is a real problem) so that it can be isolated.
Im no expert on FB engines & I know all boxers have that "tap tap tap" sound, but it sounds a bit noisy to me.

Are these cars you're looking at buying?
I bought mechanical stetoskop (?) SO that sound coming from bottom part of engine passanger side, but nothing crazy For some reason without stetoskope and with close hood it noisier...Anyway i touched eny accesable point of engine with stet (none movable parts of including pullies) no any loud suspect noise just taping tickling whitling , with stetoskop engine sounds like clock. But with closed hood from one foot deistance its sounds like on video
I have no idea if its normal or not , and i get frustrated because i hate when i know or i think that somthing wrong with my iron horse (dont easy be a perfectionist)
Just got answer from forester owner about that noise
Listen to his Fozzy (fb25 engine) exactly same sound in same conditions
So i assuming its just the way fb25 engine are

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTY24N0NfI8&feature=player_embedded"]FB25 idle sound - YouTube[/ame]
That engine doesn't right to me :shake: There's a serious knock of some kind, thats for sure.

And did I also hear right, it's a typical 2.5ltr motor for a '98 :huh:
I always thought the '98 had a 2.0ltr & that the 2.5ltr didn't appear until a few years later :bcool:
At least in Australia anyway.

Mr Turbo

The 2.5 actualy started in in 97 in the states . in the legacy outback before tbey became just a outback . and that motor def has a horable knock .