CB Antenna Mounting Options

my cb radio
Was that going through a repeater station?

I have no earthly idea. It was clear as day though. Literally no interference or noise on the line. It was as if the dude were sitting in my passenger seat.

What frequency are you using?

Channel 1 aka 26.965 MHz

Channel 19 (27.185 MHz) is the "truckers" channel and is suppose to be the most used channel out of 1 - 40...but I couldn't pick anything up on it.
Ok, that explains it. HF is much better in this regard. HF is rarely used here now- with UHF you get better signal quality but lose out on distance, which is why they have repeater stations. We don't have repeater stations here for HF, just UHF. You also can't realistically tune the aerial with UHF as you can with HF.

Mounting the antenna on the hood hinge sounds like it would be neat.

When you had the antenna attached to the hinges of the hood could you open the hood without fouling the antenna? Also when driving at speed did the antenna bend back and bash against the car?

Got any pics of how you did that?


I'll see if I can find a pic - there were no issues with it as I recall
Ok, that explains it. HF is much better in this regard. HF is rarely used here now- with UHF you get better signal quality but lose out on distance, which is why they have repeater stations. We don't have repeater stations here for HF, just UHF. You also can't realistically tune the aerial with UHF as you can with HF.

So a repeater station basically catches the signal and puts it out again in order for that original transmission to go further?
Yes, it catches it on channels 1-8, and puts it out on 31-38- or something like that. The radio has a duplex button you use to work it
I have an OLD CB I got from Dad. Its gotta be at least 15-20 yrs old! :lol:

What aerial should I get for it?
27 meg, it has been years since I used HF. If you can get a ground independent one, get the tallest one you can live with. When I used HF, I could not find any. I ran twin stainless 9' whip aerials- one mounted on the bull bar, the other on the tow bar. They were connect via a switchbox to the CB. Depending on whether I had to speak to those in front of or behind me, I could switch between the 2 aerials. I never used them around town as they hit EVERYTHING. I think I may even have brought down a small plane on final to Bankstown! But out of town they worked exceptionally well. I could transmit across the continent, and receive from as far away as Alaska.
Whats the sound quality like? I often have trouble understanding what is said on my handheld & I understand that UHF is clearer :question:
Definitely. UHF became popular because of it's superior quality and less ferals in the built up areas. Sadly, only the former is now true
Hmmm...so if an aerial is gonna cost me $50+ & I can get a new Uniden 80ch + aerial kit for ~$200, maybe I should hold off & do that?

Have been reading high gain antennas are better for flat highways & low gain better for hilly country...is this true? I really only want it for when I'm offroad, ie, around bends, over hills and thru trees. Or is this asking too much lol
Hmmm...so if an aerial is gonna cost me $50+ & I can get a new Uniden 80ch + aerial kit for ~$200, maybe I should hold off & do that?

Have been reading high gain antennas are better for flat highways & low gain better for hilly country...is this true? I really only want it for when I'm offroad, ie, around bends, over hills and thru trees. Or is this asking too much lol

Could be. That's what I did. The 8-channel is very clear. I have a high gain aerial and it is still pretty good in the hilly stuff over dunes and through obstetricals. I am very happy with mine. Highly recommended. I posted what the model was earlier in this thread NL.
I am going to hang my head in shame here. I just turn on the CB, voices come out of it, i speak into it, my voice goes out, I am happy.

I think it goes out anyway :)
UHF is line of sight, and is quite poor in hilly terrain. I understand low gain aerials can help, but it still won't be as good as HF. When off roading, my GME UHF has always been very good and presented no problems. When the WRX club did a cruise to the south coast, it was a different story. Spread out over a greater distance, there was no 2 way communication between those up on the escarpment and those ahead down below. It did create difficulties as a result. But for off road stuff, no problems thus far.

So Nipper- are you running HF or UHF?
UHF is line of sight, and is quite poor in hilly terrain. I understand low gain aerials can help, but it still won't be as good as HF.
Yes I'll agree, when it comes to UHF.
As for HF, I don't know enough about them to make any further assumptions.

Instead of trying to explain the difference between a 3dB, 6dB & 9dB antenna I'll let the following pics do it instead.


As I said in an earlier post, I have a 6" whip aerial, which is 6dB.
For the places I've been & the 4wding, adventures I've been on, I find it to be very good for my purposes.

Mr Turbo

Thanks Mt.T, I remember seeing that image earlier in the thread. I guess for my needs I'd get the 3dB gain antenna...