which spareparts do I have to take with me?

Awesome pics and heritage up there! I hope you don't have vandals like we do over here - it's really disappointing to see :(
Yes there are some real scumbags (vandals) out there :furious:
Personally I think they should be hung up by the .............. if you know what I mean :mob:

Mr Turbo
I take a roll of Glad Wrap or kitchen plastic lunch film. If you tear a CV boot then this stuff can wrap around it multiple turns and give you an unbeatable temp CV boot! Drove on one from Sydney to Townsville (2,000+ km) and back without issue!
When you wrap it around the CV, make sure you wrap it in the direction the CV spins, ie, so the free end points away from the direction of travel. This way, as it spins it wont unravel :iconwink:
Love the clingwrap idea!!

I always carry a bottle of chemiweld too :)

Not a bad idea although you need to be bloody careful with that stuff. I put it in a motorcycle where the head gasket was leaking into the radiator (one of the conditions that the bottle says the product was designed for). Worked for a short while but then it started leaking again and the exhaust gas going into the cooling system caused it to loose some water. By the time I noticed the radiator was rather clogged up and not fixable. Hate to think what other parts of the engine looked like...

To be honest on my subaru (where I actually care about the engine) I would just drive it with the leak and keep topping up the water rather than use that stuff unless of course there was no water available.
I did not read all the posts, but from the ones I did read, not one mentioned steel apoxy, small container, hardens fast, can be used to make a tool, patch holes, in an oil pan if you had too, could make a nut, you don't think about it, but I think it could be very useful.