which spareparts do I have to take with me?


Forum Member
Sep 5, 2011
Amsterdam Holland
Car Year
Car Model
forester sf
manual 5speed 4.44 end h/l 1.59
If i go on a off road trip high in the italian mountains. Which spare parts shoud i take with me? I drive my '99 n/a forry for 1.5 years now and it always brought me home. But i was allways with more than 1 car or on paved roads where i could call the roadwatch. And now i am going alone far from paved roads.
Or thoes a forrester realy never breakdown?

Greetings. Casper
Gidday Casper

If i go on a off road trip high in the italian mountains. Which spare parts shoud i take with me? I drive my '99 n/a forry for 1.5 years now and it always brought me home. But i was allways with more than 1 car or on paved roads where i could call the roadwatch. And now i am going alone far from paved roads.
Or thoes a forrester realy never breakdown?

Greetings. Casper

Never say "never", mate. Anything can breakdown, even me! I have had more body mods than the wildest imaginings of the most ardent car modder ... :iconwink: :lol:

Needless to say, your needs are quite different from mine, even though what you are describing is much the same as I am planning. What Barry calls 'expeditioning'. Good term, IMO.

Here in Oz, it is possibly very unwise (to the point of being fatal ... ) to go to many places with only one vehicle. So you really need to carry an EPIRB and/or a satellite phone.

Otherwise, you need to carry recovery gear that suits our vehicles

  1. load distribution strap;
  2. lighter snatch strap - one that suits a Landcruiser would not stretch at all with our cars, probably just rip the front off ...
  3. I carry a creeper winch and tree protection strap
  4. Perhaps some MaxTrax, or similar
  5. tyre repair kit and decent compressor for re-inflation if you have to air down
  6. Decent GPS system that works inside or outside of your car
  7. Some fuel, food and water
  8. PLENTY of warm clothing and a couple of blankets in your part of the world; pure wool, not synthetic or mixed fibres
  9. A supply of any specific medicines you may require; PLUS a first aid kit

There is a wonderful resource publication "Aids to Survival" from the West Australian Police Force here.

There are many more thoughts on this in various threads on our site here and here.

Hope this helps.
What PlazaXT said sounds about right. I'd take a spare CV for both front and rear. Some tools; sockets, spanners, plyers, etc..
Some spare oil, water, coolant, wire 9always comes in handy), cable ties, rope, etc.. Half the time when something breaks you can do a dodgy repair to get you home :) Hopefully nothing should though :D
Gidday Thunder

zipties and duct tape! can always fix something with these! plus medical stuff is obvious, spare oil, and also recovery gear as ratbag said.

also a radio so if you do get stuck

Yeah mate. I keep forgetting the zip lock ties and duct tape; also appropriate size tie wire. Probably because they are always in my car in my computer repair tool box. I must have some of the very few legitimately tax deducted fishing tackle boxes in Oz! :rotfl:

In my youth, I fixed a leaking fuel tank by whacking a little bit of tape over it, then applying a great gob of Plastibond over that. I don't recall that it was ever fixed "permanently" ... :iconwink:
Gidday Thunder

Yeah mate. I keep forgetting the zip lock ties and duct tape; also appropriate size tie wire. Probably because they are always in my car in my computer repair tool box. I must have some of the very few legitimately tax deducted fishing tackle boxes in Oz! :rotfl:

In my youth, I fixed a leaking fuel tank by whacking a little bit of tape over it, then applying a great gob of Plastibond over that. I don't recall that it was ever fixed "permanently" ... :iconwink:

just proof if you cant fix it with duct tape then you havnt used enough :rotfl:
its amazing how usefull cheap plastic zipties are!
Thnx guys!
zip ties & ducktape are always in my car, ofcourse the firstaidkit (mustbe by law) toolsbox also standard in my car, Just like water and oil.

If I go with my buggy offroad than I allways have a spare clutchcable and a throtlecable and some other parts with me. They broke more than once on a place and time where you coudn't use it. I have that car for 25 years and i know every part of it

Going without spare parts for my Subaru feels a little naked. So I understand that the CV joints are the weakest points, are there no electric parts that (like a sensor) that can cause an engine to stop?

I made a sturdy engine protection. But if I look under my subi the fueltank looks vunerable, or is it sturdy enough? A well, I have the 45 liter LPG tank in the car and LPG is a lot cheaper than gasoline here in Europe.

Greetings Casper
Keep in mind though that you won't be hundred's of kilometres from any help like you would be in the outback. If the car breaks, at least make sure you can be rescued. The cars are basically reliable- take some fuses and so on, but take things to keep you warm and well fed if it does break, and a PLB to get help if you need it
know you aussies cant get them very easily and still be legal but i would never leave a good gun out of my survival kit- everything to gee im very hungry and its day 3 to holy crap that person is going to make me defend myself kind of problems are made alot easier with a good firearm
I drove nearly 3000km in 5 days, 400 from those km's on gravel/ off road in the mountains.
What a great drive is such a forester. Even with 340.000km on the odo and 13 years old it's still a great car. Easy to drive off-road with hardly no wheelspin. (thnx to general AT2 grabbers) And a great autobahnburner as the Germans like to say with 150km p/h on the cruisecontrol. Did I have no issues? Well I had some problems with the clutch. There was some air in the system. Bleeding did cure that. And a weird sound in a rearshock. The top big, central, self locking nut was loose! Limped home to the camping and there with some help of others who had the right tools, we managed to fix it. Had a great time with this great car!:)
Good to hear that all went well, Casper.

Did you have a nice trip? Photos ... :)
Sounds as though you had a great time casperfromholland :raz:

Would love to see a few pics of the trip when you get a chance too mate, if thats at all possible :)

Mr Turbo
It's a stunning area were off-roading still is allowed. Which is special because sadley enough in a lot of european countries offroading is forbidden. The routes are on 2500 - 3000 meters altitude. these old military tracks are +/-125 years old and go to old buildings of WW 1.

The Sommeiler and the Mt jafferau tracks were blocked at 2800 meters high cause of the snow still being there even while it is summer over here. At the jafferau you have to pass a tunnel. 800 meters long, curved, unpaved, no lights, some water puddles, like driving in an old mine shaft, spookey but bigfun! Some pics..














Great pics & report casperfromholland :raz:

That old style building almost looks like it could be a castle :)
And the tunnel you drove through is brilliant. It must have been a strange, yet amazing feeling to drive through :)

Mr Turbo
great pics. the general grabbers look great, what size are they?

Just a humble 205/75/15. Excellent off-road traction, great grip in rain and snow but I find them a little noisy on dry tarmac.

Higher up in the mountains there are more of those buildings. Even bigger as on these pics and some are half destroyed. Some were equiped with realy big cannons. You can only reach them 3months a year because of the snow. Imagine how it was to live there during the winter months.

Anyhow they left some very nice off-road tracks. Next time i will go a little later so that I can reach the mountain tops. I have been there with my enduro motorbike and the vieuw is stunning. An other track is going up on a ski ing slope. Little more difficult to drive but after this i am confinced that my subi will manage!
Awesome pics and heritage up there! I hope you don't have vandals like we do over here - it's really disappointing to see :(

Keep up the good offroading work!

