Lerderderg Gorge

One of the tracks we didn't drive down, or up ...
Note the angle of the trees in the upper left of the photo.


That's at the quarry. This is ruby scoo doing that track with stock everything, except I think I may have had a welded rear diff at this time:


You should have been able to do that in the foz without any issues ;)


Gidday Bennie

That's at the quarry. This is ruby scoo doing that track with stock everything, except I think I may have had a welded rear diff at this time:

LOL! Bit tricky welding the one in mine - all that sticky stuff makes a mess of the rod tip ... :lol:

You should have been able to do that in the foz without any issues ;)
Maybe so; maybe not.
Without backup, I turn from "cautious" into "devout coward" ... :raspberry:
I also don't know the territory, so even more inclined towards being careful in those circumstances.
Besides, I'm also not into wrecking my nice new Fox ... SWMBO would (will ... ) have my guts for garters if I do :rotfl:

Really nice shot, and you did very well to keep it on the top of the ruts :lildevil:.
Great photos RB!!!

Ratbag said:
It was also a low point for another reason. Some people had camped at the spot where we parked, and left every imaginable piece of rubbish strewn around this quiet, peaceful, pretty spot ....

I see way too much of this around here.:rolleyes::sad: Why can't folks show some respect for others that might want to enjoy that place too, or for themselves, should they return???

I hate the fact that I have to do it, but part of my kit for going out anywhere in the outdoors is a trash bag so I can at least do a bit of clean up my self. One way I like to give back to the places I enjoy traveling to.
Gidday Carl

Great photos RB!!!

Thanks mate :).
These are automatically PP from the OoC JPEGs. I always shoot RAW + JPEG with all my cameras. JPEGs for the web etc; RAWs for printing and serious PP.

I see way too much of this around here.:rolleyes::sad: Why can't folks show some respect for others that might want to enjoy that place too, or for themselves, should they return???

I hate the fact that I have to do it, but part of my kit for going out anywhere in the outdoors is a trash bag so I can at least do a bit of clean up my self. One way I like to give back to the places I enjoy traveling to.

We would have needed a mini-skip (dumpster in your terms). Couldn't have fitted all the crap in the car! Filthy pigs. Makes one ashamed to be called a human being ...

But a good idea for the future, thanks.
Add garbage bags to essential kit ...

Everywhere else in the park was pretty much spotless.
I hate the fact that I have to do it, but part of my kit for going out anywhere in the outdoors is a trash bag so I can at least do a bit of clean up my self. One way I like to give back to the places I enjoy traveling to.

Way to go, Carl! You're a good citizen, and living proof that the human race is good at heart!

I always bring a trash bag for our own refuse. I firmly believe in "carry in, carry out." This applies whether I go to the beach, the countryside, or into the mountains. I usually end up carrying out more trash than I brought in myself. Like last weekend, I went SUP'ing on the Potomac River, and ended up digging bits of plastic out of the riverbank with my bare hands. Carried that trash back home in my gear tote. :biggrin:
Great pics Ratbag :raz:
It sure does look like a fantastic & beautiful area :)

Shame about the rubbish the previous :censored: left behind :mad:

Well done too guys, for taking the time to clean up the area & mess that others had left behind :yourock:

Mr Turbo
Gidday Mr T

Great pics Ratbag :raz:

Thanks, mate :biggrin:.

It sure does look like a fantastic & beautiful area :)

It sure is. I have never been there before, in spite of SWMBO's insistence that I have been there with her ... :lol:

Shame about the rubbish the previous :censored: left behind :mad:

Disgusting. Nothing we could do, really, as spread over an area of about 20x20 m. Would have filled about 3-5 garbags!

Well done too guys, for taking the time to clean up the area & mess that others had left behind :yourock:

Mr Turbo

I'll add my thanks to them also. We could have done that, if we had been in a ute ...
Trip Map Lerderderg Gorge 23 May 2012

Gidday Folks

After doing battle with my web site about this file, here it is. For some unknown reason it did not want to recognise it as an image??


You may be able to download the full size file from here, if my gallery security allows access to it. Please let me know if it doesn't!
yep it works

Thanks for the feedback, Thunder.

UNIX is one of my pet hates, even though I have been using it since the mid-1980s.

The "security" offered by UNIX (OSx, Linux, etc) is miserably primitive compared with even consumer versions of Windows since NT 3.10 ...

Of course, my web site uses UNIX (actually Linux ... ).
My gallery s/w has good security; just inflexible and primitive ...
Sorry Folks

I got a bit side-tracked with other things over the last two weeks.

Just realised that I haven't linked a few more of the photos I took that day.

About half way up Seereys Rd, we came across an old house that had been burned out long ago. As usual, only the brick chimney was left.



Roo2 having a little rest while JB and I prowled about


This was just inside (or just outside ... ) the border of the park, around the point where Seereys Rd becomes Blue Gum Track. It is a moderate climb up to this point, but a very well maintained dirt road. Getting OFF the road was a little tricky because of the angle and shape of the spoon drain.
It's amazing isn't it. It's always the chimney that makes it :raz:

Just as well though I guess :iconwink: because how would Santa be able to find you if there was no chimney :ebiggrin:

Mr Turbo
Gidday Mr T
It's amazing isn't it. It's always the chimney that makes it :raz:

Just as well though I guess :iconwink: because how would Santa be able to find you if there was no chimney :ebiggrin:

Mr Turbo

Dead right mate.

Here is the tree that he ties his reindeer up to ... :iconwink:


Our native trees are just wonderful IMO.
Superb photographic subjects, even for a crappy photographer like me.
Yes I have seen some amazing trees in my travels over time thats for sure.
I also have to admit that I've taken quite a few pics of them too :iconwink:

Mr Turbo