Lerderderg Gorge


Jan 1, 2012
Bayside, Melbourne, Vic
Car Year
MY06, MY10
Car Model
Forester SG & SH
5MT/DR & 4EAT Sports
On another topic, we had a nice day at Lerderderg Gorge today.

[EDIT] Whoever moved this to its own thread, thanks ... :) :cool: [end edit]
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Magic day. Not in anyway unpleasant. Quite the contrary! :ebiggrin:

JB and I went along via Werribee to Bacchus Marsh, then onto Seereys Track, Blue Gum Trk, B-G/O'Briens Trk link track (would be very dodgy if wet ... ), onto O'Brien's "Road" to O'Brien's Crossing, then onto the Greendale-Trentham Road and back to Melbourne via the Western "Freeway".

Roo2 and the new tyres performed flawlessly. Tyres were very good at quite hard stops on the graded dirt. Sufficient grip on the tricky bits.
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sounds, good. its been very windy in ballarat today not far away.
maybe you had such a nice day because of climate change hahaha, just thought i would try and make this conversation relatable to the thread
RB, I wonder if you could do a trip report, perhaps with a map, so others (myself lol) can try this...I've heard its a nice little drive :monkeydance:
Gidday NL

RB, I wonder if you could do a trip report, perhaps with a map, so others (myself lol) can try this...I've heard its a nice little drive :monkeydance:

Not tonight, Josephine ... :rotfl:

Some tracks looked spookily similar topography to Phasmid Track. You know, all those sqiggly lines rammed up against each other for a couple of hundred metres or so ...

Ratcliffe Track was one such, which I manfully avoided (read "chickened out"; or "cowardice in the face of the enemy" :lol: ... ). Also the nice chap we met on a trail bike (Brendan D.) informed us that it was "a bit rocky down at the bottom". Even in fair weather, I wasn't about to tackle that without 1) walking it (not in the mood), and 2) having another vehicle on hand ...

Apart from the link track and one other similar (both closed in around 2-3 weeks), all the other roads/tracks were a careful doddle. Some were pretty steep though, needed 1st/LR on one slope; 2nd/LR on another. Rear LSD earned its crust quite a number of times.

John B said he could feel it working from the passenger's seat! He is also pretty experienced at this sort of thing. He has a Suzi Grand Vitara ATM, but had a LC for many years.

Very pleasant day. John is a photography mate who lives about 2 kms away from us.

Only thing that took the shine off a bit was that I only had about 4 hours sleep last night, so had a pretty bad headache by the time I got home.
Lerderderg, awesome area which also gives you easy access to the Wombat SF. Both have great tracks and interesting gold mining history :D


Gidday Bennie

Lerderderg, awesome area which also gives you easy access to the Wombat SF. Both have great tracks and interesting gold mining history :D



It is a nice area. I have never been there before. Look forward to going back at some stage ... :)
Will be great to hear about your day's fun when you get a chance :)

Also great to hear that you are enjoying how your new boots too mate :raz:

Mr Turbo
G'day guys,

It is a nice area. I have never been there before. Look forward to going back at some stage ... :)

It's a great area and less than an hour from Melbourne! I did a day trip up there recently. Didn't do really adventurous tracks as I was on my own but it still got exciting in some sections. It was also pre-lift kit, but the Geolander AT-s performed brilliantly.

Lerderderg, awesome area which also gives you easy access to the Wombat SF. Both have great tracks and interesting gold mining history :D


Definitely, Bennie. I headed further north and did some of the tracks in Wombat SF. Also chose those sections carefully that day.

Would be very keen to go back with some fellow Subie's and make a decent day of it!
Some tracks looked spookily similar topography to Phasmid Track. You know, all those sqiggly lines rammed up against each other for a couple of hundred metres or so ...

Ratcliffe Track was one such, which I manfully avoided (read "chickened out"; or "cowardice in the face of the enemy" :lol: ... ). Also the nice chap we met on a trail bike (Brendan D.) informed us that it was "a bit rocky down at the bottom". Even in fair weather, I wasn't about to tackle that without 1) walking it (not in the mood), and 2) having another vehicle on hand ...

looked like this last time I was there...




but that was over a year ago, when the area was recently flooded. Should be a bit cleaner now.
Gidday Greg

looked like this last time I was there...



but that was over a year ago, when the area was recently flooded. Should be a bit cleaner now.

Looking at Brendan's map, and the topography, then listening to his description, I have a profound, sneaking suspicion that that's what he was describing ...
Not for this little lone black duck (chicken?) :rotfl:.

I took about 90+ photos, so depends how much of gluttons for punishment you all are ... :lol:.

Should get some of the better ones PP at the w/e.
Here is one of Roo2 resting in the forest ...


And another one resting near a quarry/mine ...

One of the tracks we didn't drive down, or up ...
Note the angle of the trees in the upper left of the photo.

Geology on Seereys Track

Some of the sedimentary layers exposed by the creek crossing Seereys Trk



Seereys Trk coming down to the creek crossing. It gets a bit less civilised, but nothing too hairy ... :iconwink:.


More geology ...


The creek bed.


This spot is at the low point of Seereys Trk, outside the park proper.

It was also a low point for another reason. Some people had camped at the spot where we parked, and left every imaginable piece of rubbish strewn around this quiet, peaceful, pretty spot ....

Then there is a moderate climb up the track to the next photos.
Nice lady in her Subaru Forester pointed us in the right direction ... :biggrin:.