NBN (National Broadband Network)

Check my previous post mate :iconwink:

Please don't do that when you get angry. If you do though please call me so i can listen in and laugh :rotfl:or record it :raspberry:
Yeah I know you were joking lol. i thought it was very funny haha. But why did you delete this:

WARNING: contains UBER foul language...and lots of it! Definitely not for kids or gentler persuasions lol
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX16WQjIWxY"]THE REAL MOST ANGRY MAN AUSSIE ROAD RAGE - YouTube[/ame]

Its a classic!
Yeah I know you were joking lol. i thought it was very funny haha. But why did you delete this:

Its a classic!

I didn't delete it.... :shrug:

Maybe one of the mods/admins did. Good idea to put a note mentioning the swearing.

He really is going off though, I'd just drive off otherwise loose it myself.
OK, hope I'm not in trouble for reposting it lol :o

But we did a great job of getting off the NBN! :lol:

What's an NBN? Pray tell.

Sounds like it might be akin to fairies at the bottom of the garden to me ... :lol: :lildevil:
May I respectfully suggest that you read the information in the link that you provided?

It does not appear to say what you think it says, IMHO ...

When you look into additional costs, check out: cabling of the premises (not covered ...); cost of multiple lines (not even mentioned ... ); set up costs with all new h/w.

Check out the provisos they put on actual vs theoretical speeds.
I find that cable is brilliant (download speeds) when the kids are off-line (at school; middle of the night; etc ... ). It dies a death at around 1530H to 1600H when the kids get home from school. Speeds become absolutely tragic. This will merely happen further upstream with the proposed architecture (topology) of the NBN.

Also note that they have a few dozen housing estates "under construction" on the mainland. There is no significant infrastructure roll out even over the horizon, AFAICS.

When your kids get home your internet speed does not change. It is merely shared between multiple users. :iconwink: Get faster net speed, you will all still not recieve anywhere near full speed, itl just be shared.

I did read the information i posted. Cabling in the premesis we all already have. It is the copper. Over the distances inside a house, it will present negligable losses. No extra cost there.

No extra hardware; we use our existing broadband routers (as stated in the link).
Set up fee of $100 if going on a monthly contract. Otherwise for a 24 month contract there is no set up fee.

NBN suffers from all the factors that affect normal broadband speed, just to a far deminished extent.

As another thing we all missed, is how much of a boon the NBN is to businesses. The amount of jobs involved is very large, tens of thousands of them. It provides great opportunities for local cabling businesses also.
Yeah I know you were joking lol. i thought it was very funny haha. But why did you delete this:

WARNING: contains UBER foul language...and lots of it! Definitely not for kids or gentler persuasions lol

Its a classic!

I didn't delete it.... :shrug:

Maybe one of the mods/admins did. Good idea to put a note mentioning the swearing.
No guy's, it wasn't deleted, it's still there, in the Today's joke thread (page 17, #170) where it was originally posted :iconwink:

... hope I'm not in trouble for reposting it lol :o
Not at all mate :)

When I saw it I was thinking that, this is going to end in tears :catfight:
I also said (in my reply) that he had more patience than I could ever have & well done (to the young guy) for staying & keeping such a cool head :cool:.

But getting back on topic, which was ????
Arrrrr thats right, it was the NBN :Bananacomputer:

Mr Turbo
Gidday Kevin

and here am I thinking it was the Bruce Highway :rotfl:

Are you sure it wasn't the Gun Barrel Highway?

Cost a lot of money; went nowhere; and very slow to travel on.

Sounds a bit like the Information Super-highway proposed, and partially built, some 20 years ago. Wasn't it going to solve every problem that ever existed, or would exist, with the Internet?

Now. Why does all this hyperbole sound so strangely familiar? :shrug:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

But methinks it will all end in :cry: ...
And with an empty feeling in all our pockets ... :( :rolleyes: :shake: :furious: