Lowered cars

After :puke: :shake:

PLEASE put that on Ozfoz! Would love to see their reaction!
went to sign up read some threads decided it wasnt for me :shake:

I was there for a while - log in every now and then. Managed to drop in on a dinner one night as they met at The Ranch when I used to have night classes in First year (being at Macquarie Uni it was a 1 minute drive) - met up before they had dinner. That was when I worked out that we had different ideas.

I'm not a fan of lowered cars - I think stock height is usually the best height. I'm not enough of an engineer nor do I have the knowledge to be able to get it set up correctly. Dad's last car was annoying that regard - it wasn't lowered, but had a bit of an overhang and would often scrape on driveways etc. The replacement for that car seems to be better in that regard from the test drive and pictures. We'll wait for it to arrive - it doesn't have the annoying lip/overhang like the Accord though.
I like Ozfoz, im quite active on there. There are a few offroad memebers but not many. The guys (and gals) are very knowledgable though whihc is why im mainly on there. Plus they are a funny bunch too :)
I'm active on both forums. That's what I love about the Foz it's such a versatile car.
I went to an Ozfoz organized skidpan once and I was the only stock height Foz there. The instructor even asked if my car had a lift!
I'm active on both forums. That's what I love about the Foz it's such a versatile car.
I went to an Ozfoz organized skidpan once and I was the only stock height Foz there. The instructor even asked if my car had a lift!

:lol: Sweet. I wouldn't mind coming along one time when I get the swaybars and supercharger fitted :raspberry:
not often as most of us are simply too lazy to organize but quick to jump in when someone does.