NachaLuva has only mild problems reading El Pedorros posts & thinks La Tortuga is a great project with some great innovation :ebiggrin:
El Pedorro and the other voices in his head.


El Pedorro has a given name like everyone else. Since he has other names, he uses the third person.

His late Hispanic wife used to call him her "viejito pedorro" (sweet ol' fart). So, his user name is viejopedorro. To minimize typing with aging fat fingers, that is shortened to El Pedorro. (The Fartster, if you will...)

When he was a mere child of 63, he made a lateral transfer from speed skating to Roller Derby. Since he is perpetually chasing Derby girls around the track, he took the Derby handle of Chase Keester. The Keester is now pushing 70, but is not the oldest guy in Derby. Merby Dick of Washington State somewhere is 73, and he is skater(!) in a men's league up there. Keester is head ref for a league in Deep South Texas. Google him.

El Pedorro has a "solar" or small ranch (a couple of hectares) in the same area. So, he is "El Ranchero" for part of the time. The 3 cows are La Niña, La Pinta and La Santa Maria. The "girls" are currently consorting with the neighbors bull, Junior.

El Pedorro serves in the Coast Guard Auxiliary, out of Station South Padre Island. Since he is from arid central and eastern Montana, and can't even swim, he becomes the Dry Land Sailor when he dons his US Coast Guard Blue. The Auxiliary performs Search and Rescue missions on inland and coastal waters, and educates the public on Recreational Boating Safety.

El Pedorro's 2012 Subaru X 5MT 2.5l sports a low-rent roof pod from Pep Boys, to hold light-weight but necessary US Coast Guard Auxiliary clutter. Since the roof pod is more or less permanent, the Subie is called La Tortuga (the Turtle).

So, lessee now: given name, El Pedorro, Chase Keester, El Ranchero, Dry Land Sailor, ummm...(counts fingers) yup, 5 voices in El Pedorro's head. You, too, would use 3d person. My apologies for not letting y'all in on who La Tortuga was.

All in good fun, of course. Ratbag and Nachaluva, El Pedorro appreciates the warm fuzzies.

Goodnight, all. Much love from Deep South Texas.

Oh, yeah. Se habla espanol (en exceso). Fala-se portugues brasileiro tambem.
Buenas noches a todos, e tambem muito boa noite pra todo o mundo.
D_Generate and Blue Ox

Dear Mr. D_Generate,

Blue Ox is a Yank firm that manufactures products to allow motor home (RV) residents to tow their automobiles behind when they travel. One such product is a "base plate" that bolts to Subaru Forester MT automobiles to permit attachment of a hitch, safety cables, brake wiring, etc., so that an RV can "flat tow" the Subie, four wheels down, when touring the USA. Google them to see their products. They can be had at discount through resellers such as E-Trailer.

Please see El Pedorros's post above to find out who La Tortuga is.

El Pedorro greatly appreciates your many informative posts, Sir.

Much love from Deep South Texas.
:lol: :rotfl: :lildevil:

Please note addition of some appropriate tags to the thread ... :iconwink: :cool:

Goodnight, El P.
Fine, if you want to leave the conversation and refer to yourself as another person just go for it, personally I find .............. "I" "me" "the car" the farm" much easier to both write and understand but I'm sure Mr rimlapper above will reassure you it is both fine and encouraged on the forums.

There are literally hundreds of posts like these on the interweb so I'm not the only one with whom it pisses off Mr El Pedrogarciaconchitodorito.
Apologies to D_Generate. Thanks, Rats and E.J.

Mr D_Generate, since you seem to be outvoted for now, I intend to continue my lighthearted attempts at humor. I am sorry I have offended you.

My outdated mainframe skills haven't transferred well to the Internet, but I will keep learning about such things as tags.

I hope you other readers enjoy my posts.

I expect my Subie appreciates your compliments, too.

I remain, at your service, El Pedorro.

Written in the first person for only once. Good day, folks.
Thanks, D_G

Great clip. I (1st person) laughed out loud when I caught it. Umm, LOL in text speak.

The other voices in El Pedorro's head are still rollin' on the floor.

May God bless you, Sir.